Friends of the Elderly

Friends of the Elderly (FotE) is a national charity, founded in 1905 which provides support for older people –  particularly those in need due to poverty, frailty or isolation

FotE provides high quality caring services, personalised to the needs of the individual and integrated with local communities

FotE is passionate about enhancing the quality of life of older people

Its direct services include residential care homes, nursing homes and dementia care homes, while its day clubs, home support, home visiting, telephone friendship and grant-giving services help older people live independently at home

The core belief of the charity is that older people should retain independence, dignity, choice and peace of mind at all times, always offering them a hand-up not a hand out

FotE aspire to a society where all older people are treated with respect and have the opportunity to live fulfilled lives

FotE offers support for older people in three key areas; a financial grant-giving service; community services, including day centres, home support and befriending services; and residential and nursing care, including specialist dementia care, a pioneering ‘Admiral Nurse’ services and end of life care

Care Homes

  • FotE operate thirteen care homes in England. FotE homes, often in wonderful surroundings, offer the highest quality of care in a very special atmosphere of friendship and tranquillity
  • Treated with dignity and friendly courtesy, for FotE residents it is never forgotten that the care home is their home

Day Care

  • FotE’s day care services promote social inclusion, helping to retain independence which is vital to older people’s well-being
  • Each service has the facility to provide a range of support and activities for people who have dementia

Home Support

  • FotE home support services offer a range of practical, emotional and personal care, helping to support vulnerable older people to remain living in their own homes for as long as possible
  • Priority is given to those people who have dementia or a depressive illness

Visiting Friends

  • A team of volunteers visits older people in their own homes to provide friendship and social support, thus helping to combat loneliness by providing companionship and a listening ear

Phoning Friends

  • Phoning Friends recruits, trains and manages a team of over 80 volunteers who befriend older people over the phone
  • FotE aim to alleviate feelings of isolation, loneliness and depression and improve quality of life and well-being
  • Volunteers are matched to older people based on shared interests and compatibility and regular telephone calls help build a relationship based on friendship and trust

Supporting Friends

  • Supporting Friends provides financial help to over 60s in England or Wales (over 50 for the homeless), with a low income and minimal savings
  • One-off grants are provided for essential items such as household goods and appliances, basic furniture, mobility aids, property repairs and adaptations
  • A fixed number of regular allowances is paid monthly or twice a year. Follow-up care includes keeping in touch by telephone and letter, sending a handmade birthday card, and at Christmas a present and a card and sign-posting to other potential sources of funding






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