Top tips to buy mobility vehicles safely

A mobility vehicle can improve many peoples’ lifestyle, but making the right decision when buying one is crucial

When making a purchase, you need to know that the product is suitable for all your needs, and that the company is a qualified and experienced supplier. You need to know that they will look after you and your vehicle, now and in the future. Buying a second hand scooter or wheelchair can be as difficult as buying a second hand car. But you can reduce the risks by buying from a British Healthcare Trades Association (BHTA) specialist

The British Healthcare Trades Association (BHTA) represents companies who make or sell products that help people live more independently and, as an inaugural member of Trading Standards Institute’s (TSI) new Consumer Codes Approval Scheme, was one of the first associations supporting a new UK-wide scheme to strengthen industry self-regulation

If you buy from a BHTA mobility specialist, they will:

  • – check that your second hand vehicle is safe and road worthy, and offer a proper guarantee
  • – help you to assess its suitability for your needs
  • – offer all the services of training and backup that you would receive if you had bought new
  • – charge a fair price

The BHTA has produced a simple guide, “Get wise to buying a mobility vehicle”, which is available free to download from HERE or by contacting BHTA on 020 7702 2141

The best way to ensure you make the right decision is to see, and try, a wide range of models from different manufacturers. Points to consider include:

  • – is it comfortable?
  • – can I get on and off easily?
  • – will it be suitable for all types of ground I anticipate using it over?
  • – do I need it to be able to climb kerbs?
  • – does it give me the mileage range I need, not just at home, but when I want to visit friends or make a trip?
  • – if it’s a powerchair you need, these tend to be more difficult to choose than scooters, as you will probably be using the vehicle more regularly, or even all day. You may also need to think about special seating, back, armrests or footrests to suit your own particular needs
  • – consumers can look for the TSI Approved Code logo, or find a member of an approved code in their area by searching a dedicated database at

Under the scheme, which replaces the Office of Fair Trading scheme, businesses are required to offer enhanced consumer protection, including offering ombudsman or arbitration to resolve disputes, protecting customer deposits and respecting consumers in their own home


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