7 tests of a good care home
A crisis has happened either unexpectedly or, more likely, has built up over a period of time. Your ageing parent has kept falling, or a series of illnesses have got worse and the situation has reached breaking point
There’s significant stress for everyone – your elderly parent, you and the rest of your family and you will be feeling many things….guilt, regret, stress, anxiety and confusion
Naturally, everyone wants to stay in their own home, but that is no longer an option and it seems that a care home is now the only solution, but how do you find a quality care or nursing home? Navigating your way around the care system for the uninitiated is complex. At a difficult time when emotions are running high, you need independent quality information.
Here are 7 tests you must apply when finding a quality care home:
1. Does the Home pass or fail the ‘cigarette butt’ test?
The staff who smoke will come outside the front door to smoke a cigarette, which is fine. However, they will leave their cigarette butt ends outside the front door and not clear the mess. If that is the first impression you receive even before you ring the doorbell…..BE CAREFUL!
If it’s a mess outside, what’s it going to be like inside……
2. Does it pass or fail the smell test?
The biggest fear you have when you walk through the care home door is will it accord with the stereotypical view that ‘all care homes smell’!
Does it smell of stale urine….or even worse?
There is good care and bad care and there is no excuse for poor smells
Sometimes the awful smell is masked by a quick spray of air freshener, but do not be fooled as you walk around the home. The ‘true’ smell of the home will prevail, so beware the urine or air freshener smells
3. Is the Home run for the benefit of the staff or residents?
The actual thought that the home is possibly run for the benefit of the staff, rather than for the residents, is a shocking one….but these homes do exist
The ‘I can’t be bothered’, ‘it’s too much trouble’ attitude stems from the owners and management and feeds through to the care staff and becomes part of the culture of the home
Any signs of this attitude and you are advised to move on
4. Does the Home pass or fail the ‘smile’ test?
- We all know a smile costs nothing and is infectious
- When you first walk through the door, is your first impression of a staff member smiling, or growling?
- As you walk around the home, if you hear grunts, tut tuts or shouting, then the warning signs are there.This is how they are acting even when visitors are present!
5. Does the Home pass or fail the ‘bingo’ test?
Each home will claim they offer a wide range of activities
When you press the home for more information, you find to your horror that they only play bingo once a week!
This does not constitute activities to enrich the soul and more activities would be needed to stimulate your parent
6. Does the Home pass or fail the ‘choice’ test?
When choosing a room in a hotel, you are offered a range
The same principles should apply at a care home, i.e. standard, en-suite, with a view etc.
If you are presented with a fait accompli….be careful!
7. Does the Home pass or fail the ‘open book’ test?
As you walk around the home and ask your questions and importantly, observe and listen to the replies
It’s not only what they say but how they say it
If the information is difficult to extract and the tone defensive….walk away
You can access the free book, ‘Secrets Revealed : How to Find a Quality Care Home’ at www.findingacarehome.co.uk. which provides 15 tests and 157 questions to ask the care home
Harvey Zemmel is a highly skilled and knowledgeable health care professional, with 25 years experience in the care of the elderly. www.findingacarehome.co.uk. Twitter @carehomeexpert
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