What is elderly stroke?

Stroke is something which affects many elderly people

Your brain is given blood, containing oxygen and nutrients, by the arteries in your neck. If these arteries begin to narrow because of a build-up of fatty material, it can affect your blood supply to your brain

A stroke happens when the artery carrying blood to your brain is blocked, or an artery bleeds into your brain

Stroke can affect the way your body works and the way you think

What is a stroke?

If you suspect that someone is having a stroke, act FAST

FAST helps people recognise the signs of stroke and take immediate action

Facial weakness – can they smile? Has their mouth or eye drooped?

Arm weakness – can they raise both arms?

Speech problems – can they speak clearly and understand what you are saying?

Time to call 999
What are the symptoms of stroke?

Long-term rehabilitation after stroke






  1. admin says:

    May 17th, 2012 at 12:47 pm (#)

    comment 1

  2. admin says:

    May 17th, 2012 at 12:48 pm (#)

    I agree!

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