What is Registered Nursing Care Contribution?

If your parent pays some or all of their own fees in a care home where you’re receiving care from a registered nurse or doctor, they might be entitled to Registered Nursing Care Contribution towards the cost of treatment. Typically this will reduce the amount they pay in fees, so it’s worth checking

What is Registered Nursing Care Contribution?

Registered Nursing Care Contribution is a tax-free, non-means-tested benefit, paid by the NHS to cover nursing or medical care. It’s paid whether someone is self-financing  care or the local authority or trust is paying for it

To be eligible, your parent must:

  • need nursing care, and
  • stay in a care home or residential home which can provide nursing care. If your parent lives in Northern Ireland, Registered Nursing Care Contribution is paid by the local Health and Social Care Trust

For more details download the leaflet ‘Payments for Nursing Care’ from the nidirect website 

How does Registered Nursing Care Contribution work?

Your parent’s care needs are assessed before they go into a care home. If they are assessed as needing nursing care, the NHS (or Health and Personal Social Services in Northern Ireland) will pay Registered Nursing Care Contribution towards their nursing fees. It’s paid directly to the care home to reimburse them for the nursing care they’re providing for your parent

If your parent is paying all their own fees, which include nursing costs, the amount they’ll end up paying will be reduced by the Registered Nursing Care Contribution amount

If they only pay some of their care costs, they might still be better off. The care home is obliged to show you how Registered Nursing Care Contribution reduces the fees. If you don’t see any difference, ask them about it

Registered Nursing Care Contribution won’t be paid if your parent goes into hospital, but your parent will probably still have to pay the care home the full fee to keep their room

If they no longer need nursing care,  Registered Nursing Care Contribution may stop

Can your parent receive Registered Nursing Care Contribution if their stay is only temporary?

Registered Nursing Care Contribution is different to NHS Continuing Care funding, which is available even if your parent lives in their own home

Registered Nursing Care Contribution should still be paid if their stay in the care home is temporary

If they’re staying for six weeks or less, they won’t have to be formally assessed. Instead, their need for nursing care will be based on information provided by the care home or their GP. This can be quite a useful contribution towards costs if your parent needs regular periods of respite care

How much is Registered Nursing Care Contribution?

The actual amount of Registered Nursing Care Contribution paid depends on where your parent live in the UK:


Region Rates of Registered Nursing Care Contribution
England £112 per week for the standard rate, and £154.14 per week for the higher rate (2015-16)
Wales £140.90 per week (2015-16)
Scotland £78 per week (plus £171 per week Personal Care Allowance) – a total of £249 per week (2015-16)
Northern Ireland £100 per week (2015-16)

If your parent’s care needs are being assessed by their local authority or trust, ask them to assess your parent for Registered Nursing Care Contribution at the same timeHow to apply for Registered Nursing Care Contribution

If they’ve already had a care-needs assessment, you can contact them afterwards and ask for your parent to be assessed for Registered Nursing Care Contribution separately

The nursing home’s local Primary Care Trust, Health Board or Health and Social Care Trust is responsible for meeting the cost of care provided by registered nurses. If you parent is paying for their own care and would prefer that the Primary Care Trust, Health Board or Health and Social Care Trust didn’t take on this responsibility, their wishes will be respected

What other NHS services are available in care homes?

Once your parent has been assessed, you might find they’re entitled to other help from the NHS – including continence aids paid for by the NHS, or specialist support or services such as chiropody, physiotherapy, pressure relief mattresses and mobility or communication aids

More information on NHS funding in care homes and Registered Nursing Care Contribution

Money Advice Service

This article is provided by the Money Advice Service.

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