90 is the new 50
As Her Majesty the Queen clearly demonstrates to us all on her 90th birthday, reaching 90 does not mean life stops. The Queen still performs many royal engagements, rides, goes to the races and enjoys life to the full. She also looks fabulous.
And she’s not the only one. Irene Carney from Australia (featured above)bought a bikini for a cruise and the picture of her wearing it on holiday has gone viral on Facebook!
Bruce Springsteen has been rocking on stage with his 90 year old mum
Norma, a 90 year old lady in America, has seen some of the most famous landmarks in the US, including Mount Rushmore, Yellowstone National Park and the Grand Canyon despite being diagnosed with cancer last year. She chose to undertake an epic road trip rather than have treatment.Norma is travelling in a motor home with her son Tim, daughter-in-law Ramie and their pet poodle Ringo. Over Christmas, she fulfilled one of her dreams by taking a ride in a hot air balloon.