Search Results for: anorexia

How to prevent elderly anorexia

19 Jul 18

What is elderly anorexia? Anorexia is a medical term that means lack of appetite, but sometimes...

What is Osteoporosis?

02 Jul 18

Our bones contain collagen (protein), calcium salts and other minerals. Each bone is made up of...

Making eating easier for older people

04 Dec 17

Older people often have difficulty eating. Here are some top tips to help them eat easily...

How nutritional needs change with age

11 Aug 15

Changing nutritional needs: what’s the best diet to follow? As we age, our ability to digest,...

How to cater well for people in care homes

28 Apr 15

One of the most important factors that can affect the happiness of a care home is...

Optimum foods for elderly

06 Apr 15

Here are our top tips on the optimum foods for the elderly to eat to stay...


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The Good Care Group

National provider of professional award winning 24 hr live-in care, allowing people to live safe &…

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Hearing Direct

Hearing Direct offers digital hearing aids from £99 and free hearing test online. 30 day money…

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English Heritage

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