Search Results for: benefits

Benefits of yoga for older people

03 Sep 17

It is a fact that we are living longer these days, but it is also true...

Benefits of Nintendo DS for older people

25 Apr 17

Keeping the mind agile, whether it is reading a book, doing a jigsaw, or playing Sudoku...

Benefits and tax in retirement

22 Mar 17

Research has revealed* that more than £5 billion of means-tested benefits go unclaimed by retired people...

Keeping minds active benefits elderly

11 Dec 16

Many studies have shown that keeping minds active keep the elderly fit and well and has...

What benefits can you claim over 60?

21 Jan 16

Many older people in the UK are unaware that they are entitled to receive cash benefits...

Technology tip of the week: Benefits of being online

10 Aug 15

Recent statistics show that around 6 million people over 50 are still offline rather than online....

The Benefits of Getting Specialist Care Advice

30 Jul 15

There will come a time for most families when it becomes clear that an elderly relative...

Benefits of pets for older people

20 May 15

Pets may help older people live longer, healthier, and more enjoyable lives. You’ve probably noticed that when...

Benefits of Osteopathy for older people

17 May 15

Osteopathy is a system of diagnosis and treatment for a wide range of medical conditions in...

Volunteering benefits elderly and society

24 Jan 15

Why older people should volunteer Research has shown that for older adults, volunteering can be an...

Relocation benefits for isolated older people

11 Dec 14

Our homes are more than just bricks and mortar: they are places that we invest copious...

Benefits of chat rooms for older people

04 Sep 14

A chat room allows you to speak with other people via your computer or laptop and...

Benefits of Home Automation for Older People

29 Jul 14

In today’s technologically driven world, there are many emerging technologies, which enable older people to live...

What benefits and tax credits can carers claim?

21 May 14

The benefits system is complicated but if you know where to look, there is financial support out there for the millions of unpaid carers in the UK. Here’s an introduction to what’s available with links to where you can find out more and apply for your entitlements.

Computers for older people

10 Sep 18

Young people and those in the world of business aren’t the only people using computers these...

What is Osteoporosis?

02 Jul 18

Our bones contain collagen (protein), calcium salts and other minerals. Each bone is made up of...

Losing weight alleviates joint pain

11 Jun 18

We have all become much more sedentary since the 1950s. Eight out of ten adults used...

How to register elderly disabled

04 Jun 18

The actual process of disability registration does vary for each local authority so first please contact...

Driving Issues for Older People

28 May 18

As people age, their driving abilities inevitably change. However, by reducing risk factors and incorporating safe...

How To Combat Probate and Power of Attorney Fraud

26 Feb 18

According to a recent report by the Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners (STEP), the cost...

Best activities and hobbies for older people

19 Feb 18

When your parent suddenly has more spare time, there is obviously more scope to do some...

FAQs About Arranging Funerals

04 Feb 18

We answer some of the key questions about funerals What should I do if a relative...

How to keep the elderly warm in winter

26 Nov 17

Severe cold snaps can have dramatic effects on everyday life, especially for the elderly. Cold and wintry conditions can...

Personal training for older people

20 Nov 17

Why is it important for older people to exercise and use a personal trainer? Unless people do...

Essential cold weather planning for elderly

06 Nov 17

The winter is approaching and we want to ensure older people stay fit and well. Read...


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Jersey Plants

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Foyles for Books

Foyles offer the largest range of books for carers, FREE delivery to all Foyles stores &…

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A unique cup with a rotatable handle, stops spills & increases independence despite tremors or limited…

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