Search Results for: care at home

The Complete Guide to Retirement Planning

13 Jan 15

Planning for your retirement is one of the most important things you’ll ever do, Follow our...

Arts improve quality of life for older people

The arts can act as a preventative measure for many of the illnesses that go hand...

What is assisted living?

07 Jan 15

Assisted living generally means a residential place for older people, who would like or need help...


02 Jan 15

Create develops and delivers high quality creative arts programmes that provide life changing experiences to seven...

Depression in older people

30 Dec 14

Many issues can cause depression as people age, such as retirement, the death of friends and...

Top ten facts about Pensioner Bonds

Have you heard of Pensioner Bonds? No, they’re nothing do to with Roger Moore or Sean...

Keeping Elderly People with Beloved Pets

16 Dec 14

It’s an emotional and upsetting decision facing a growing number of elderly people who are no...

Combat elderly isolation this Christmas

15 Dec 14

Loneliness and social isolation is a reality for many older people all year round, but it...

Elderly suffer due to children’s busy lives

12 Dec 14

Loneliness among older people exacerbated by distance from family The pressure of their grown-up children’s work...

Relocation benefits for isolated older people

11 Dec 14

Our homes are more than just bricks and mortar: they are places that we invest copious...

Macular degeneration in elderly eyes

Optometrists provide eye examination and they undertake screening for any eyes or general health conditions. They...

Helping elderly to take medicine safely  

09 Dec 14

Many older people do not know how to take medicines safely and can often get confused....

How to deal with elderly stroke

04 Dec 14

When a neighbour called to say that mum had been found buttering her bread with a...

How to help bereaved

02 Dec 14

How can you help someone who is bereaved? Spend time with the bereaved person they need to...


Tackling loneliness and promoting positive lifestyles LinkAge is a Bristol charity that works with older people...

Budgeting for bereaved parent

29 Nov 14

If your partner used to manage the budget for some or all of the household finances, taking these on after they die can feel overwhelming. Follow these steps to find out how to take control of your money.

Prevent elderly loneliness at Christmas

Christmas is traditionally when families come together and whilst it is a magical time for children,...

How to keep elderly mobile through exercise

27 Nov 14

Everyone knows and understands the importance of exercise and physical activity, every day we are bombarded...

Difficulty of living with arthritis

The two most common forms of arthritis are osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis and many people do not know the...

How to help elderly to use computers

22 Nov 14

Watch our video guide to getting your parent on-line 1)  Understand why and how they want...

Older people should wear seatbelts

21 Nov 14

Wearing a seat belt has been compulsory since 1983, however a recent study conducted by ICM...

What is the difference between Rheumatoid and Osteoarthritis?

19 Nov 14

What is the difference between osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis and what can you do to alleviate...

What to consider before buying stair lifts

18 Nov 14

Buying stair lifts for a home can be a daunting task and here we take you...

The Stroke Association

15 Nov 14

Stroke – the facts A stroke is a brain attack. It happens when the blood supply...

Are money worries affecting your health?

13 Nov 14

Money worries can be very stressful and can affect your health. Take our test below to...

What should you know about Funeral Etiquette

11 Nov 14

Here is our guide to some of the most common queries that people have about funerals...

Preventing loneliness at Christmas for older people

10 Nov 14

Last Christmas, 2013, more than 300,000 over 75s were believed to have spent Christmas Day alone...

How to access Mobile Chemotherapy

08 Nov 14

Mobile Chemotherapy Units (MCU) Most people receiving chemotherapy report their lives revolve around treatment and they struggle to...

How Fraudsters Scam Elderly Out of Cash

06 Nov 14

There is a new type of scam on the rise targeted against elderly people, so please...

Stairlifts are cheaper than you think

  Many people could benefit from a stairlift at home, but think that they cost too...


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Thompson and Morgan

Bedding Plants from Thompson & Morgan – Quality plants, large range, special offers, great value.

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Fifty Plus

Fifty Plus for fashion that’s fit to flatter for all sizes.

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BT Shop

Phones, mobiles and internet services.

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