Search Results for: care at home

Investment bonds to pay for long-term elderly care

20 Mar 15

Investment bonds are not considered the best option to pay for your long-term care. There is no guarantee that the return from your investment will meet your care costs and you have to tie up your money for a long time. However, in some circumstances they can be helpful. Read on to find out more and consider the pros and cons.

Care options to enable right choices for elderly

28 Feb 15

The majority of us will need to help our parents find the right care for them...

Top tips to complain about elderly care

21 Feb 15

Making a complaint to any organisation can be difficult, time consuming and stressful, so these tips...

Issues facing family carers of elderly

19 Feb 15

Caring for ageing parents can put a huge strain on families, particularly those people who may...

Practical tips to get elderly parent best care

14 Feb 15

P has been keeping a close eye on his 90 year old mother for the last...

Overview of Elderly Care Fees

29 Jan 15

Care fees and funding is a very complex and confusing area. You and your parent may...

What are Personal Care Plans?

17 Jan 15

When our parents need long-term care, whether care is delivered in their own home or a...

Home safety for older people

16 Jan 15

This infographic gives some very helpful information on home safety for older people, giving tips on how... talks to Radio Tees about who cares for elderly childless people

14 Jan 15

Listen to our interview on Radio Tess with Mike Parr, where we discuss how older people...

Homeshare: companionship for elderly at home

What is homesharing? Homeshare schemes provide low-cost practical live-in help, companionship and support to elderly people...

How coaching can help carers of elderly

13 Dec 14

What is Coaching? Coaching helps you handle what life throws at you Sometimes things gets tough…...

How to alleviate carer stress

25 Nov 14

Being a carer is tough and sometimes you really need to take a break, even if...

Report reveals need to plan for elderly care

20 Nov 14

A new report, backed by Esther Rantzen and the Patients Association, has identified the care choice...

What is Telecare for the Elderly?

30 Oct 14

The ability to provide reliable care at home without vast numbers of staff being involved is... one of 12 key voices in social care

29 Oct 14

Read The Guardian’s amazing interactive guide to care, with comment from myageingparent, who are featured a...

Support services available to carers

25 Oct 14

Caring for someone can take its toll on your physical and mental health, social life, career and relationships. Taking time out to look after yourself is important if you’re to continue supporting yourself and the person you’re caring for. Here are some of the different types of support available.

How to manage direct payments to pay for elderly care

If you’ve opted to receive direct payments to pay for personal care services yourself, there are important things you should know – such as how to compare products and services and how to manage your budget effectively.

How personal assistants help provide care

Care workers or personal assistants can help you live independently in your own home. They may be provided directly by your local council (or Health and Social Care Trust in Northern Ireland), with everything arranged for you. But if you decide to appoint one directly, using your own money or with direct payments, there’s a lot to think about.

Using technology to support elderly at home

18 Oct 14

People use all kinds of technology in the home to make their lives easier. We might...

When to use respite care

15 Oct 14

Carers are the unsung heroes of Britain. While many people will be cared for in a...

Find the best quality elderly care

02 Oct 14

Deciding on the right care home for a loved one is a daunting and time-consuming task.With...

Helping Elderly Adjust to Nursing Home

25 Sep 14

Moving an ageing parent or loved one into a nursing home is never going to be...

Care funding assessments for elderly: Capital

11 Sep 14

Assessment of Capital for the Elderly Most forms of capital and savings are assessable and will...

Top tips to keep elderly safe at home: Part 2

28 Aug 14

Here are our top tips to keep the elderly safe at home Safety for elderly in...

What to do if money runs out to pay for elderly care?

21 Aug 14

If the money you’ve been using to pay for your long-term care is running out, what are your options? Who can you turn to for financial support, and what could happen to you if you’re in a care home? Here’s what you need to know.

What is Registered Nursing Care Contribution?

If you pay some or all of your own fees in a care home where you’re receiving care from a registered nurse or doctor, you might be entitled to Registered Nursing Care Contribution towards the cost of treatment. Typically this will reduce the amount you pay in fees, so it’s worth checking.

Downsizing to fund elderly parent’s long-term care

You need to find a way of self-financing your long-term care and you own a home that’s larger than you need. Could the answer be staring you in the face?

Top tips to keep elderly safe at home: Part 1

Here our myageingparent’s top ten tips for keeping your parent safe in their home. Watch our...

What are immediate need care fee payment plans?

20 Aug 14

If you need a regular income to pay for care at home or in a care home, an immediate need care fee payment plan, or immediate care annuity as they’re also known, could be the answer.

Claiming on insurance to cover elderly care costs

Don’t rush into any new arrangements to pay for your care costs before checking to see if you can claim on an existing insurance policy. Lots of us have taken out some kind of health insurance in the past, which might turn out to be a big help now.


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