Search Results for: carers

Live-in carers for elderly help whole family

05 Mar 17

Home is where you want to be, whatever your age and whatever it takes to maintain...

How Technology can help carers

16 Jun 16

These days, we use technology in all aspects of our lives, from internet banking to online...

Top ten questions about medication answered for carers

09 Jun 16

Medication often plays an important role in older people’s health and ensuring that the people you...

Help and support for carers

15 Dec 15

There are nearly 7 million carers in the UK and over the next 30 years, this...

Five key problems facing carers and how to solve them

03 Dec 15

Being a carer for an older parent or relative can often be a tricky thing for families...

Carers Trust

01 Jun 15

There are seven million carers in the UK – that is one in 10 people and...

Caring for Carers

30 Apr 15

Different ways to get additional support for carers Are you a carer for your ageing parent?...

Issues facing family carers of elderly

19 Feb 15

Caring for ageing parents can put a huge strain on families, particularly those people who may...

How coaching can help carers of elderly

13 Dec 14

What is Coaching? Coaching helps you handle what life throws at you Sometimes things gets tough…...

Support services available to carers

25 Oct 14

Caring for someone can take its toll on your physical and mental health, social life, career and relationships. Taking time out to look after yourself is important if you’re to continue supporting yourself and the person you’re caring for. Here are some of the different types of support available.

What benefits and tax credits can carers claim?

21 May 14

The benefits system is complicated but if you know where to look, there is financial support out there for the millions of unpaid carers in the UK. Here’s an introduction to what’s available with links to where you can find out more and apply for your entitlements.

Attendance, Carers and Disability Living Allowance

02 Mar 14

Attendance Allowance This is a benefit payable to people aged 65 or over, who have attention...

myageingparent on BBC5Live discussing helping carers of older people

05 Oct 13

Listen to our interview with Shelagh Fogarty of BBC5Live LISTEN HERE. We start talking at 52.38...

Advice on finance for carers

05 Sep 13

If you’re caring for your parent, there is financial help out there for you. We uncover...

Top Tips to Keep Older Teeth Healthy

02 Sep 18

The effect of diet on your older relative’s teeth As people age, their diet may change, which can,...

How to manage money of an older person you care for

23 Jul 18

Depending on the kinds of difficulties someone’s having with their finances, the help you could provide might involve anything from helping them with bills and paperwork and assisting with their day-to-day money, through to taking on a lasting power of attorney.

Top ten tips to help relatives with dementia   

19 Jun 18

Asked to provide the top ten pieces of advice for people living with dementia and their...

Carer Assessments explained

30 Apr 18

There is a completely separate assessment for the giver of the care called the carer assessment...

Prevent elderly isolation due to hearing loss

26 Mar 18

In the UK, there are an estimated nine million deaf and partially hearing people. About 688,000...

Safety at home for older people

19 Mar 18

Keeping your parent safe at home is obviously of paramount importance. Home should be where they...

Caring for a parent with a terminal illness

17 Oct 17

If you are caring for someone who has been told they may not get better, you...

Top Seven iPad Apps for People With Dementia

22 Aug 17

People with dementia often find it difficult to access or use new forms of technology Touchscreen...

How acupuncture can help elderly

31 Jul 17

The overall aim of acupuncture is to restore the body’s equilibrium and it can be extremely...

Dementia and Hearing loss

06 Jul 17

Dementia is a condition which affects brain function. There are various types of dementia, such as...

Caring for older relatives with dementia

02 Jul 17

It can be very upsetting having to witness the decline in the mental abilities of a...

Occupational Therapy for older people

27 Jun 17

What is occupational therapy? Occupational therapists (OTs) aim to enable older people to make the most...


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Crabtree & Evelyn

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