Search Results for: coping

Coping with loss of elderly independence

19 Mar 17

Loss of independence occurs as people age, as they suffer physical, social or emotional setbacks which...

Coping with Bereavement

10 Mar 17

Bereavement is a distressing but common experience. At some point, most of us will suffer the...

Coping with cancer: a true story

19 Jul 14

In the summer of 2010, I was bluntly told: ‘You have cancer,’ and these would be...

Carer Assessments explained

30 Apr 18

There is a completely separate assessment for the giver of the care called the carer assessment...

How to broach difficult subjects with your elderly parent

09 Apr 18

Raising difficult issues with your elderly parent isn’t easy It may be becoming apparent to you that your...

Caring for a parent with a terminal illness

17 Oct 17

If you are caring for someone who has been told they may not get better, you...

Occupational Therapy for older people

27 Jun 17

What is occupational therapy? Occupational therapists (OTs) aim to enable older people to make the most...

Top tips to help a bereaved parent live alone

20 May 17

When your ageing parent is bereaved, whether their partner’s death was sudden, or prolonged, it takes...

Caring for elderly from a distance: factsheet

27 Mar 17

What is caring at a distance? The fact that we are living longer is wonderful achievement....

Adapting your home for your older parent

24 Mar 17

As we age, everyday tasks we once performed without a second thought become more and more...

Fear of Arranging a Funeral

24 Feb 17

Is someone you love about to die? If you have ever been in a position where...

Caring for a parent with dementia

14 Feb 17

Watching a parent suffer with dementia is one of the hardest things you will ever do...

People with ageing parents must talk

18 Dec 16

It’s important for people caring for elderly to talk How it started Ruth* was approaching 50,...

Caring for elderly harder than it used to be

14 Dec 16

Most of us were brought up with the fairytale notion of the perfectly happy family As...

Caring for elderly as an expat

06 Dec 16

Cognitive neuroscientist and age specialist Dr Lynda Shaw is calling for better transparency and co-ordination of...

5 reasons to have a granny flat

03 Nov 16

A granny flat, also known as a dependent person’s unit or a DPU, is an idea...

Story of personal journey as a carer

28 Jun 16

Everyone’s care journey is different. Here we explore the story of carer Sarah Bradshaw and her...

How Technology can help carers

16 Jun 16

These days, we use technology in all aspects of our lives, from internet banking to online...

What does being a carer entail for you?

20 May 16

Are you a carer of a loved one, who is older, disabled or seriously ill?  Whether...

How to combat insomnia in older people

07 Apr 16

Everyone sometimes has a bad night’s sleep, but for some, insomnia is a serious issue and...

Gifts to buy for someone with dementia

24 Mar 16

Choosing the perfect gift can be a really difficult task at the best of times, but...

Essential guide to managing changing elder care needs

22 Mar 16

As our older relatives age, their elder care needs often change, sometimes gradually and sometimes overnight. Here...

How to keep calm with older relatives

17 Mar 16

We all think it sometimes, but often we don’t actually say it, that our elderly relatives...

Help someone with dementia with a good cup of tea

08 Mar 16

The fear of dementia is real. The thought of losing your memory and judgement abilities is...

Helping the lonely and bereaved through Valentine’s Day

11 Feb 16

Valentine’s Day is a day of romance and love, treats and surprises, meals and gifts, but...

What is lung cancer?

14 Jan 16

Lung cancer can start in the cells lining the trachea, the main airway, the lung tissue,...

Dealing with panic attacks and anxiety in older people

06 Jan 16

Mental health issues in older people are often under-diagnosed, as older patients tend to place more...

Breathing exercises to combat stress

22 Dec 15

Breathing exercises can help older people and their carers to relax and de-stress, as well as...

Help and support for carers

15 Dec 15

There are nearly 7 million carers in the UK and over the next 30 years, this...

Christmas games to play with grandparents

07 Dec 15

However much you prepare for the Christmas season, there is always going to be the odd...


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