Search Results for: diet

Dietitian’s recommendations for elderly nutrition

25 May 17

Information for elderly nutrition… by dietitians Nutrition and Diet Resources UK (NDR-UK) is a registered charity,...

Help your older relative to eat a balanced diet

02 Jul 15

If you worry that your older relative isn’t getting all the right nutrients from their diet,...

Top Tips to Keep Older Teeth Healthy

02 Sep 18

The effect of diet on your older relative’s teeth As people age, their diet may change, which can,...

Top tips to keep older people cool in heat

30 Jul 18

It’s been a long winter, but, but now we’ve hit the hot weather and this can...

How to prevent elderly anorexia

19 Jul 18

What is elderly anorexia? Anorexia is a medical term that means lack of appetite, but sometimes...

What is Osteoporosis?

02 Jul 18

Our bones contain collagen (protein), calcium salts and other minerals. Each bone is made up of...

Losing weight alleviates joint pain

11 Jun 18

We have all become much more sedentary since the 1950s. Eight out of ten adults used...

10 foods to keep you young

21 May 18

If you want to feel fitter and look younger, try putting some of these foods on...

Top ten healthy drinks for elderly

03 Apr 18

Often it can be difficult for elderly people to chew and swallow their food and if this is...

Diabetes and the ageing heart

15 Jan 18

Diabetes increases the damage done by some of the major risk factors for coronary heart disease...

Top tips for healthy ageing

08 Jan 18

One of the main things to bear in mind is the vital importance to start ageing...

Eating yourself warm this winter

11 Dec 17

After a very mild start, winter is finally making itself felt in the UK, as temperatures...

Making eating easier for older people

04 Dec 17

Older people often have difficulty eating. Here are some top tips to help them eat easily...

How to keep the elderly warm in winter

26 Nov 17

Severe cold snaps can have dramatic effects on everyday life, especially for the elderly. Cold and wintry conditions can...

Parkinson’s diagnosis and treatment

12 Oct 17

How is Parkinson’s diagnosed? Diagnosis of Parkinson’s is made by a doctor, who takes a detailed...

Benefits of yoga for older people

03 Sep 17

It is a fact that we are living longer these days, but it is also true...

Eating well for ageing

08 Aug 17

For older people, eating well as they age  becomes even more important It increases their ability to...

Managing hospital discharge for elderly

18 Jul 17

If your elderly relative has been in hospital, it should be good news when they are...

Heart attack in older people

10 Jul 17

Why do heart attacks happen? Most heart attacks are caused by coronary heart disease, which is...

Caring for older relatives with dementia

02 Jul 17

It can be very upsetting having to witness the decline in the mental abilities of a...

Eat well to glow with health

30 Jun 17

Here are our top tips on how to eat well to glow with health. Drink plenty of...

How to lower high blood pressure in elderly

26 Feb 17

What is blood pressure and why is it important? Your heart is responsible for pumping blood...

Creating a fulfilling life after loss

20 Feb 17

Few events in life are as painful as the death of your partner, but you can learn...

What is diabetes?

16 Feb 17

What is diabetes? Diabetes is a common life-long health condition. There are 2.9 million people diagnosed with...

How to recognise mild cognitive impairment in elderly

08 Jan 17

Many of us face the daunting role of looking after parents as they age One problem...

Boost your older parent’s health with breakfast

03 Jan 17

Skipping breakfast has been consistently linked with various health risks associated with older age. It’s not...

Angina in older people

01 Jan 17

What is Angina? Angina is a pain or discomfort felt in the chest and usually caused...

Sight and hearing loss in older people

11 Dec 16

There are currently 220,000 older people with sight and hearing loss over the age of 70...

High cholesterol in older people

16 Jul 16

What is cholesterol and how does it affect older people? Cholesterol is a fatty substance which...

11 top tips for great nails

02 Jun 16

We all want well groomed, healthy finger and toe nails, but this can be difficult,  as...


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