Search Results for: email

Benefits and tax in retirement

22 Mar 17

Research has revealed* that more than £5 billion of means-tested benefits go unclaimed by retired people...

Coping with loss of elderly independence

19 Mar 17

Loss of independence occurs as people age, as they suffer physical, social or emotional setbacks which...

How to get the best mobility aid deal

14 Mar 17

Mobility aids play a vital role in the lives of millions of elderly and disabled people....

Gardening is good for older people

08 Mar 17

Gardening has many health and therapeutic benefits for older people Garden beds, equipment and tools can all...

Help for hard of hearing at theatre

05 Mar 17

Hearing loss is now a major public health issue which affects over 10 million people in...

Tai chi helps older people enjoy life

02 Mar 17

Before I started tai chi, I had been a couch potato for many years. I had...

Top apps for the elderly

27 Feb 17

We’ve compiled an extensive list of apps to help care for your parent and to keep your...

How to lower high blood pressure in elderly

26 Feb 17

What is blood pressure and why is it important? Your heart is responsible for pumping blood...

Top tips to buy mobility vehicles safely

22 Feb 17

A mobility vehicle can improve many peoples’ lifestyle, but making the right decision when buying one...

Factors to Consider Before Hip Replacement Surgery

19 Feb 17

Your parent may be at the stage in life where their joints have deteriorated to the...

Funding to adapt older parent’s home

07 Feb 17

You may be able to stay at home longer if your house is adapted to meet your care needs. And there’s financial support available.

Computers or tablets for older people?

31 Jan 17

Today it is hard to imagine living without computers, but did you know that already in...

How to recognise mild cognitive impairment in elderly

08 Jan 17

Many of us face the daunting role of looking after parents as they age One problem...

Boost your older parent’s health with breakfast

03 Jan 17

Skipping breakfast has been consistently linked with various health risks associated with older age. It’s not...

How to close your parent’s bank account

31 Dec 16

The steps you need to take to close your bank account vary depending on where you bank and what type of account you have. There are also certain things to think about before you go ahead. Use our plan to make sure that you haven’t overlooked anything.

Incontinence in Elderly

13 Dec 16

Elderly people suffering with incontinence can often be too embarrassed to come forward and seek help...

Keeping minds active benefits elderly

11 Dec 16

Many studies have shown that keeping minds active keep the elderly fit and well and has...

Sight and hearing loss in older people

There are currently 220,000 older people with sight and hearing loss over the age of 70...

Top tips: caring for elderly from a distance

07 Dec 16

Caring from a distance isn’t easy, but here are some helpful tips to help you cope...

Caring for elderly as an expat

06 Dec 16

Cognitive neuroscientist and age specialist Dr Lynda Shaw is calling for better transparency and co-ordination of...

Protecting older people’s property from fraudsters

01 Dec 16

Property is usually the most valuable asset people own It can be sold and mortgaged to...

Ten key questions you must ask your older parents

25 Nov 16

As our parents age, yet remain in good health, it’s easy to avoid having the conversations...

Repetitive Questioning in Elderly

22 Nov 16

When a loved one has dementia, they often ask the same question many times over. Even...

Audio books combat elderly loneliness

17 Nov 16

Audio books are an increasingly popular phenomenon as people lead busier lives and enjoy catching up...

Calculate cost of elderly parent care

15 Nov 16

Paying for care can be a minefield, so we are here to help you calculate what...

Best Gadgets to Assist the Elderly With Dementia

11 Nov 16

Dementia is a general label that includes a variety of signs and symptoms that impair mental...

Working smoke alarms save lives – test yours and those of your loved ones every month

07 Nov 16

It’s easy to forget the important job our smoke alarms do when they beep while we’re...

5 reasons to have a granny flat

03 Nov 16

A granny flat, also known as a dependent person’s unit or a DPU, is an idea...

Why older people should volunteer

01 Nov 16

Volunteering can give an older person a real sense of purpose and achievement Getting older can dramatically...

Public transport help for elderly

30 Oct 16

There are many organisations who can help your elderly parent to get out and about and there...


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A unique cup with a rotatable handle, stops spills & increases independence despite tremors or limited…

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Laybrook Ltd

Laybrook adjustable beds. Making a good night’s sleep an affordable reality.

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Royal Horticultural Society

Royal Horticultural Society: Get help with finding the perfect plants for your garden.

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