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Top 5 tips for healthy eyes

19 Apr 16

Looking after your eyes in something that we don’t necessarily think about, but which is important,...

Essential checklist of questions to ask your GP

14 Apr 16

Visiting your GP or taking your older relative to see their GP can be an anxious...

Dangers of dehydration in older people

12 Apr 16

Adequate fluid is essential to allow the body to sweat to regulate temperature, maintain good levels...

How to combat insomnia in older people

07 Apr 16

Everyone sometimes has a bad night’s sleep, but for some, insomnia is a serious issue and...

How to understand your new tax codes

05 Apr 16

  In most cases, this April you should only receive one notice showing the codes to...

How to prevent and treat bedsores

30 Mar 16

Bedsores result from pressure over time on skin in contact with another surface, such as a...

How to choose the best beds and chairs for older people

29 Mar 16

As we age, it can be harder to move around at home, whether that means more...

What are the differences between age-related memory change and dementia?

28 Mar 16

It’s worrying if your older relative starts to become more forgetful, so how can you judge...

Gifts to buy for someone with dementia

24 Mar 16

Choosing the perfect gift can be a really difficult task at the best of times, but...

Essential guide to managing changing elder care needs

22 Mar 16

As our older relatives age, their elder care needs often change, sometimes gradually and sometimes overnight. Here...

Top tips to help beat loneliness

17 Mar 16

Loneliness is unfortunately a major issue in our society. Many older people choose to maintain the...

How to keep calm with older relatives

We all think it sometimes, but often we don’t actually say it, that our elderly relatives...

How the ‘internet of things’ will change family care

15 Mar 16

Even though the internet has only been around in the UK for less than 20 years,...

7 Key Tips to Prevent Falls At Home

10 Mar 16

80% of older people say they want to live at home for as long as possible....

How to choose the right walking stick

29 Feb 16

When most people think of walking sticks, a traditional wooden crook cane springs to mind, but...

Top tips to make your older relative’s home safer in later life

These days many of us are thankfully living longer and fuller lives. As a result, our...

Top ten tips to eating well with diabetes

26 Feb 16

It’s not always easy to eat well when you have diabetes, but here are our top...

What is Restless Leg Syndrome and how can you deal with it?

25 Feb 16

Restless Leg Syndrome is a condition which, to some extent, is still widely misunderstood. Although it...

The pros and cons of grandparents looking after grandchildren

23 Feb 16

It’s estimated that grandparents save British families £16.4 billion pounds worth of childcare per year. A...

Older people encouraged to get vaccinated to avoid painful shingles

18 Feb 16

Public Health England (PHE) is reminding eligible older people to get the shingles vaccine to help...

Alcohol problems in older adults

16 Feb 16

Coverage in the media may well give the impression that drinking too much alcohol is something...

Helping the lonely and bereaved through Valentine’s Day

11 Feb 16

Valentine’s Day is a day of romance and love, treats and surprises, meals and gifts, but...

How can we break the cycle of fear of falling?

10 Feb 16

It’s been the warmest December since records began in 1910 and the wettest month ever recorded...

Advantages of downsizing to a retirement community   

09 Feb 16

Moving from what may have been one’s family home for several years to a smaller property...

How to spot quality of care problems in a care home

04 Feb 16

You’ve considered all the options, visited many care homes and finally found a place that you...

Recipe of the week: Boeuf Bourguignon

01 Feb 16

Boeuf Bourguignon is basically a French beef stew. The difference between this type of beef stew...

How to help older people to complain about poor health care

26 Jan 16

A report in December 2015 by the Parliamentary and Health Service Ombudsman (PHSO) revealed that elderly...

What benefits can you claim over 60?

21 Jan 16

Many older people in the UK are unaware that they are entitled to receive cash benefits...

What is lung cancer?

14 Jan 16

Lung cancer can start in the cells lining the trachea, the main airway, the lung tissue,...

Top 7 tips to keep your home warm and dry this winter

12 Jan 16

Whilst much of the UK is currently experiencing record mild temperatures for December, it’s also worth...


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The Good Care Group

National provider of professional award winning 24 hr live-in care, allowing people to live safe &…

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Activity Superstore

Activity Superstore: From fast cars to flash spas – live the dream!!! With over 600 gift…

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Heathcote and Ivory

Heathcote and Ivory offer wonderful hand creams, toiletries and scents. Try some today.

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