Search Results for: email

5 Top Tips to Prevent Pain

12 Oct 15

  Recurring bouts of pain can have a serious impact on your life, preventing you from...

Technology tip of the week: How can I get back something I have lost?

28 Sep 15

You are finally getting to the end of that piece of work that you have been...

The trouble with sugar

25 Sep 15

It seems that sugar, not fat, is now considered to be public health enemy number one. ...

Supporting a parent with dementia

23 Sep 15

When a parent is diagnosed with dementia, the effects of the illness become all consuming. The...

Guide to social services for older people

20 Sep 15

There is a wide variety of social care services available, primarily there to support people in...

Essential guide to Reiki for older people

16 Sep 15

As with other forms of complementary and alternative medicines and therapies, there is no hard scientific...

Technology tip of the week: How can I stay safe online?

14 Sep 15

How to stay safe online is one of the most commonly asked questions when it comes to...

Dermatology advice on best skin care for older people

10 Sep 15

The skin forms a natural protective barrier that as we age becomes less effective.  It is...

Claim VAT relief on Adaptive Clothing

08 Sep 15

Being able to dress yourself goes a long way to helping older people maintain their valuable...

Why older people should exercise

05 Sep 15

Live well for longer How age affects health of your ageing parent From stiff joints to...

The importance of friends to combat loneliness

02 Sep 15

As September 2015 is Oddfellows Friendship Month across the UK, we thought we’d look at the...

Skin problems in older people

27 Aug 15

We all have a few lumps and bumps and moles on our skin and some are...

Ideas for great days out

Get out and about and have some fun with your extended family. Just visiting friends and...

Going grey gracefully

25 Aug 15

Going grey is something which  comes to us all and is a natural part of the...

Technology tip of the week: Why upgrade to Windows 10?

24 Aug 15

With all software comes updates. So why upgrade to Windows 10 at the end of July...

Essential guide to reflexology for older people

20 Aug 15

Growing awareness of complementary and alternative medicines and therapies (CAM) such as acupuncture, homeopathy, chiropractic, raiki,...

How nutritional needs change with age

11 Aug 15

Changing nutritional needs: what’s the best diet to follow? As we age, our ability to digest,...

Help your older relative find love or companionship

10 Aug 15

Meeting new people is tough at any age, but can often be even harder for the...

Technology tip of the week: Benefits of being online

Recent statistics show that around 6 million people over 50 are still offline rather than online....

Low awareness of non-lump breast cancer symptoms putting over 70s’ health at risk

07 Aug 15

Approximately 30% of women diagnosed with breast cancer report a symptom other than a lump. However, when...

How to improve your memory

06 Aug 15

Experts on ageing often point out that learning new skills is likely to improve cognitive functioning,...

Importance of planning ahead to pay for care

04 Aug 15

Research from The Live-in Homecare Information Hub has found that people are not aware of the...

Technology tip of the week: Should I get a PC, laptop or tablet?

03 Aug 15

Think about what you will be using the product for? If it is just for grocery...

The Benefits of Getting Specialist Care Advice

30 Jul 15

There will come a time for most families when it becomes clear that an elderly relative...

Technology, is it worth IT?

28 Jul 15

A computer? Why do I need a computer? I’m in my 80’s. I wouldn’t know where...

Book one to one computer lessons in your own home

23 Jul 15 has teamed up with We Are Digital, the UK’s leading provider of at home computer training,...

Get expert help downsizing now

22 Jul 15 has teamed up with The Senior Move Partnership to offer you a unique downsizing service tailored completely to your needs To...

Facial workouts: How to benefit from pulling faces

15 Jul 15

Did you know there are 43 individual muscles in the face? These muscles are necessary for...

Essential guide to mindfulness for older people

14 Jul 15

Mindfulness seems to be the buzzword of the moment ­ newspapers, magazines and online feature articles extol...

Essential guide to getting help for elderly

09 Jul 15

The question we are asked most frequently is how to go about getting help for an...


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