Search Results for: essential guides to care

Dementia and Hearing loss in Elderly

14 Apr 15

Dementia is a condition which affects brain function. There are various types of dementia, such as...

Creating retirement housing

08 Apr 15

The country faces a major housing crisis, with not enough new homes being built for our...

Top tips for elderly on homesharing

Homesharing is a simple concept Homesharing can be carried out in a variety of ways, but...

Personal Allowance – Is It A Giveaway?

07 Apr 15

New legislation on personal allowances From the 6th of April 2015  married couples and civil partners can...

Guide to downsizing for elderly

02 Apr 15

It is widely acknowledged that moving house is among the most stressful experiences in life In...

How to spot and challenge elder abuse

31 Mar 15

It is estimated that over 500,000 older people are abused in the UK every year. Elder...

Top five tips to overcome dental anxiety

26 Mar 15

Dental anxiety, more commonly known as fear of dentists, is actually surprisingly common – it affects...

Top foods to alleviate pain of arthritis

Arthritis, both rheumatoid and osteo, is an extremely painful disease, which causes joints to swell and...

Guide to elderly housing options

14 Mar 15

Where your parent lives is important for their health and wellbeing. Many, indeed most, older people aim...

VAT relief on footwear for older people

10 Mar 15

If you have a parent who is disabled or has a long-term illness, you’ll no doubt...

The Joy of Caring for Others

05 Mar 15

As we grow older, we start to witness the unfortunate and often distressing decline of our...

Roundabout: March Charity

03 Mar 15

Roundabout’s motto is “Turning Lives Around” and we do, running dramatherapy projects with people of all...

How to buy a used mobility scooter

26 Feb 15

You can now buy a perfectly good used mobility scooter for £150 to £250 on Ebay or...

Do alarm pendants really work?

24 Feb 15

Alarm pendants are small button alarms that are worn around the neck, or on the wrist, and...

Diagnosing and treating dementia

19 Feb 15

Although dementia is a relatively common disease, it is not an inevitable part of growing old....

“Go Green” with Your Older Loved Ones

Many environmental endeavours to ‘go green’ are aimed at families and younger individuals, but in a...

Arthritis in the elderly

18 Feb 15

What is Arthritis? The term arthritis literally means “joint inflammation,” but it is generally used to...

Top tips to combat incontinence

12 Feb 15

Whether incontinence is a problem for you, or a worry for your parent, it is a...

All you need know about hip replacements

10 Feb 15

A hip replacement operation replaces a worn hip, often caused by arthritis, or sometimes due to an...

Life-saving step protects elderly from fire

29 Jan 15

While many of our older relatives are hitting their prime, for some the everyday things that...

60+ divorce causes financial ruin

21 Jan 15

The number of people who are getting divorced during their retirement years is on the increase....

The best mobile phones for older people

20 Jan 15

Mobile phones can be a very useful line of communication for older people and their children,...

Home safety for older people

16 Jan 15

This infographic gives some very helpful information on home safety for older people, giving tips on how...

Homeshare: companionship for elderly at home

14 Jan 15

What is homesharing? Homeshare schemes provide low-cost practical live-in help, companionship and support to elderly people...

The Complete Guide to Retirement Planning

13 Jan 15

Planning for your retirement is one of the most important things you’ll ever do, Follow our...

What is assisted living?

07 Jan 15

Assisted living generally means a residential place for older people, who would like or need help...

Top ten facts about Pensioner Bonds

30 Dec 14

Have you heard of Pensioner Bonds? No, they’re nothing do to with Roger Moore or Sean...

Helping elderly to take medicine safely  

09 Dec 14

Many older people do not know how to take medicines safely and can often get confused....

Budgeting for bereaved parent

29 Nov 14

If your partner used to manage the budget for some or all of the household finances, taking these on after they die can feel overwhelming. Follow these steps to find out how to take control of your money.

Difficulty of living with arthritis

27 Nov 14

The two most common forms of arthritis are osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis and many people do not know the...


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