Search Results for: gp

myageingparent on BBC5Live discussing helping carers of older people

05 Oct 13

Listen to our interview with Shelagh Fogarty of BBC5Live LISTEN HERE. We start talking at 52.38...

myageingparent discusses planning for care costs in Sunday Express

09 Sep 13

We discuss how to plan for long term care and nursing costs. Read the article HERE

Wills: why your older parent should make one?

24 Sep 18

It is critically important to ask you ageing parent to write a will for a number...

Computers for older people

10 Sep 18

Young people and those in the world of business aren’t the only people using computers these...

Top Tips to Keep Older Teeth Healthy

02 Sep 18

The effect of diet on your older relative’s teeth As people age, their diet may change, which can,...

What are Living Wills?

28 Aug 18

What are living wills, now known as advance decisions?    An advance decision is a statement...

Capture elderly memories

13 Aug 18

One of my greatest regrets is that I didn’t ask my father to record his life...

Elderly foot and ankle

06 Aug 18

The foot is a remarkable piece of human engineering. It has the multiple functions of adapting...

Top tips to keep older people cool in heat

30 Jul 18

It’s been a long winter, but, but now we’ve hit the hot weather and this can...

How to manage money of an older person you care for

23 Jul 18

Depending on the kinds of difficulties someone’s having with their finances, the help you could provide might involve anything from helping them with bills and paperwork and assisting with their day-to-day money, through to taking on a lasting power of attorney.

How to prevent elderly anorexia

19 Jul 18

What is elderly anorexia? Anorexia is a medical term that means lack of appetite, but sometimes...


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