Search Results for: gp

Edible gardens for older people

10 Jul 18

Gardening is a great hobby and your older relative doesn’t even need a garden to be able...

What is Osteoporosis?

02 Jul 18

Our bones contain collagen (protein), calcium salts and other minerals. Each bone is made up of...

Top ten tips to help relatives with dementia   

19 Jun 18

Asked to provide the top ten pieces of advice for people living with dementia and their...

Losing weight alleviates joint pain

11 Jun 18

We have all become much more sedentary since the 1950s. Eight out of ten adults used...

How to register elderly disabled

04 Jun 18

The actual process of disability registration does vary for each local authority so first please contact...

Driving Issues for Older People

28 May 18

As people age, their driving abilities inevitably change. However, by reducing risk factors and incorporating safe...

10 foods to keep you young

21 May 18

If you want to feel fitter and look younger, try putting some of these foods on...

Top tips for improving sleep in older people

15 May 18

Sleep patterns change as you age, because the body produces lower levels of growth hormone, which...

Why Consider Power of Attorney?

08 May 18

What is a Power of Attorney? Power of attorney enables your ageing parent to give power...

Carer Assessments explained

30 Apr 18

There is a completely separate assessment for the giver of the care called the carer assessment...

Key questions to ask homecare providers

23 Apr 18

Choosing a home care provider is a critical task. The following questions may help you select...

Guide to broadband and cloud for older people

16 Apr 18

We often hear the terms ‘superfast broadband’ and ‘the cloud’, but what do they actually mean?...

How to broach difficult subjects with your elderly parent

09 Apr 18

Raising difficult issues with your elderly parent isn’t easy It may be becoming apparent to you that your...

Top ten healthy drinks for elderly

03 Apr 18

Often it can be difficult for elderly people to chew and swallow their food and if this is...

Prevent elderly isolation due to hearing loss

26 Mar 18

In the UK, there are an estimated nine million deaf and partially hearing people. About 688,000...

Danger of Falls for Elderly

11 Mar 18

Why elderly people tend to fall (Watch our video with key tips on fall prevention) Falls...

How To Combat Probate and Power of Attorney Fraud

26 Feb 18

According to a recent report by the Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners (STEP), the cost...

Best activities and hobbies for older people

19 Feb 18

When your parent suddenly has more spare time, there is obviously more scope to do some...

Problems of damp for elderly health

12 Feb 18

Damp, condensation and mould growth can make have an impact on the health of older people,...

FAQs About Arranging Funerals

04 Feb 18

We answer some of the key questions about funerals What should I do if a relative...

Adult Learning for Older People

29 Jan 18

Much of our education system is really just training.  Especially in times of economic recession, people...

What to do if unhappy with elderly parent’s care

21 Jan 18

Most people have a positive experience of the care they receive but problems sometimes occur and you may want to make a complaint. Whether the care is provided at home or in a care home, or you’ve bought a care product such as a mobility aid, it’s important to know your rights.

Top tips for healthy ageing

08 Jan 18

One of the main things to bear in mind is the vital importance to start ageing...

Elderly dental problems and solutions

18 Dec 17

The Dental Problems of the elderly can be divided into four groups. Problems arise with their...

Eating yourself warm this winter

11 Dec 17

After a very mild start, winter is finally making itself felt in the UK, as temperatures...

Making eating easier for older people

04 Dec 17

Older people often have difficulty eating. Here are some top tips to help them eat easily...

How to keep the elderly warm in winter

26 Nov 17

Severe cold snaps can have dramatic effects on everyday life, especially for the elderly. Cold and wintry conditions can...

Personal training for older people

20 Nov 17

Why is it important for older people to exercise and use a personal trainer? Unless people do...


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