Search Results for: gp

How to manage probate process

15 Nov 17

What is probate? A Grant of Probate is an order of the Court, giving one or...

Essential cold weather planning for elderly

06 Nov 17

The winter is approaching and we want to ensure older people stay fit and well. Read...

Top tips to take care of elderly finances

31 Oct 17

There could be a multitude of reasons why someone wants you to step in and help...

Walking Aids Help Elderly Avoid Falls

25 Oct 17

Falls are common in older people and the risk of falling increases with increasing age A...

Caring for a parent with a terminal illness

17 Oct 17

If you are caring for someone who has been told they may not get better, you...

Parkinson’s diagnosis and treatment

12 Oct 17

How is Parkinson’s diagnosed? Diagnosis of Parkinson’s is made by a doctor, who takes a detailed...

Save Money on Technology for Elderly

06 Oct 17

One of the biggest misconceptions about state-of-the-art technology is that it is solely reserved for the...

Happy people live longer

01 Oct 17

Happy people live longer! In a survey of almost 4000 people aged between 52 and 79,...

Fractures from falls

26 Sep 17

Falls are very common in older people and the risk of falling and resultant fractures increases...

How physiotherapy can help older people

06 Sep 17

As we age, so our ability to move freely can easily diminish.This can be caused by...

Benefits of yoga for older people

03 Sep 17

It is a fact that we are living longer these days, but it is also true...

Power of Pilates for older body

25 Aug 17

What is Pilates? Pilates is a very popular form of exercise for all ages, not just...

Top Seven iPad Apps for People With Dementia

22 Aug 17

People with dementia often find it difficult to access or use new forms of technology Touchscreen...

How to set up an email account for older people

14 Aug 17

Email is a great way for older people to keep in touch with family and friends. Email...

Eating well for ageing

08 Aug 17

For older people, eating well as they age  becomes even more important It increases their ability to...

Top tips for buying a retirement home

05 Aug 17

What is retirement housing? Most retirement housing are available to people over the age of 60...

How acupuncture can help elderly

31 Jul 17

The overall aim of acupuncture is to restore the body’s equilibrium and it can be extremely...

Home Entertainment for Elderly

25 Jul 17

Life can be lonely if your parent is on their own and at home for long...

Managing hospital discharge for elderly

18 Jul 17

If your elderly relative has been in hospital, it should be good news when they are...

Heart attack in older people

10 Jul 17

Why do heart attacks happen? Most heart attacks are caused by coronary heart disease, which is...

Dementia and Hearing loss

06 Jul 17

Dementia is a condition which affects brain function. There are various types of dementia, such as...

Caring for older relatives with dementia

02 Jul 17

It can be very upsetting having to witness the decline in the mental abilities of a...

Eat well to glow with health

30 Jun 17

Here are our top tips on how to eat well to glow with health. Drink plenty of...

Occupational Therapy for older people

27 Jun 17

What is occupational therapy? Occupational therapists (OTs) aim to enable older people to make the most...

Top tips to find a care home

24 Jun 17

My parents are getting on a bit now. I know they are, because I’ve hit middle...

Why you should agree Power of Attorney with older relatives

22 Jun 17

The benefits of making a will are well known to members of the public, as it...

Are there better tablets for elderly than iPad?

18 Jun 17

Is it really all about the iPad, or are there better choices? Technology and its tools...

Are private health insurers ripping off older people?

08 Jun 17

Taking out private health insurance is costly, but are older people being penalised unnecessarily? You might...

Top tips to avoid nuisance calls for older people

06 Jun 17

Nuisance calls can make your elderly parent’s life a misery Nuisance calls and texts can cause...

Top tips to help a bereaved parent live alone

20 May 17

When your ageing parent is bereaved, whether their partner’s death was sudden, or prolonged, it takes...


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