Search Results for: heart

Top tips to help older people to eat

23 Sep 14

Dental pain, an upset stomach, or a dry mouth can make eating difficult for older people...

Prevent Cardiovascular Disease Starting Now

17 Sep 14

The World Health Organization has stated that the UK has one of the highest rates of...

Linking excessive alcohol with elderly memory loss

01 Aug 14

Binge drinking is something we might normally associate with the young, but it is becoming an increasing problem amongst the elderly Binge-drinking could...

Benefits of Home Automation for Older People

29 Jul 14

In today’s technologically driven world, there are many emerging technologies, which enable older people to live...

Grandparents are key source of childcare

25 Jul 14

Grandparents are now the most common source of informal childcare in the UK, with nearly two...

iPads help older people get more out of life

08 Jul 14

Using the iPad to keep in touch Email friends and family Research topics and information Keep...

Top ten tips for better health for older people

How can we stay fit and well as we age? Drink and drink some more: It’s critical...

Juggling older parents and teenagers

28 Jun 14

The average age that people have children in the UK has gone up markedly since our...

Telecare: keeping older people happy at home

26 Jun 14

What is Telecare? For lots of people the term ‘Telecare’ is totally foreign and something that...

The Silver Line

03 Jun 14

It’s true to say that if you make something simple enough for everyone to use, then...

Marie Curie Charity

04 Mar 14

Marie Curie is the leading charity providing care to people with any terminal illness in their...

What is hospice care?

19 Dec 13

Hospice care is person-centred care provided to people with a terminal illness or life-limiting condition. It...

Cancer in Older People

15 Dec 13

What is cancer? Cancer is a disease caused by normal cells changing, so that they grow...

Community support for elderly at Christmas

09 Dec 13

Everyone enjoys some peace and quiet and time away from the very busy lives that we...

Cardiac arrest in elderly

10 Nov 13

What is a Cardiac Arrest A cardiac arrest happens when your heart stops pumping blood around...

What is Parkinson’s disease?

18 Sep 13

Parkinson’s is a progressive neurological condition One person in every 500 has Parkinson’s. That’s about 127,000...


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Wiltshire Farm Foods

Wiltshire Farm Foods offers frozen meals delivered to your door for healthy eating.

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