Search Results for: internet

How the ‘internet of things’ will change family care

15 Mar 16

Even though the internet has only been around in the UK for less than 20 years,...

Internet security for the elderly

11 Sep 14

Internet security is one of the great invisible challenges of our age. National spy agencies and...

Computers for older people

10 Sep 18

Young people and those in the world of business aren’t the only people using computers these...

How to prevent elderly anorexia

19 Jul 18

What is elderly anorexia? Anorexia is a medical term that means lack of appetite, but sometimes...

How to register elderly disabled

04 Jun 18

The actual process of disability registration does vary for each local authority so first please contact...

Guide to broadband and cloud for older people

16 Apr 18

We often hear the terms ‘superfast broadband’ and ‘the cloud’, but what do they actually mean?...

Best activities and hobbies for older people

19 Feb 18

When your parent suddenly has more spare time, there is obviously more scope to do some...

FAQs About Arranging Funerals

04 Feb 18

We answer some of the key questions about funerals What should I do if a relative...

Making eating easier for older people

04 Dec 17

Older people often have difficulty eating. Here are some top tips to help them eat easily...

Save Money on Technology for Elderly

06 Oct 17

One of the biggest misconceptions about state-of-the-art technology is that it is solely reserved for the...

Happy people live longer

01 Oct 17

Happy people live longer! In a survey of almost 4000 people aged between 52 and 79,...

Top Seven iPad Apps for People With Dementia

22 Aug 17

People with dementia often find it difficult to access or use new forms of technology Touchscreen...

How to set up an email account for older people

14 Aug 17

Email is a great way for older people to keep in touch with family and friends. Email...

Home Entertainment for Elderly

25 Jul 17

Life can be lonely if your parent is on their own and at home for long...

Top tips to find a care home

24 Jun 17

My parents are getting on a bit now. I know they are, because I’ve hit middle...

Are there better tablets for elderly than iPad?

18 Jun 17

Is it really all about the iPad, or are there better choices? Technology and its tools...

Top tips to help a bereaved parent live alone

20 May 17

When your ageing parent is bereaved, whether their partner’s death was sudden, or prolonged, it takes...

Guide to broadband for older people

03 Apr 17

It’s easy to take the internet for granted, especially for the current generation who don’t remember...

Caring for elderly from a distance: factsheet

27 Mar 17

What is caring at a distance? The fact that we are living longer is wonderful achievement....

How to get the best mobility aid deal

14 Mar 17

Mobility aids play a vital role in the lives of millions of elderly and disabled people....

Help for hard of hearing at theatre

05 Mar 17

Hearing loss is now a major public health issue which affects over 10 million people in...

Computers or tablets for older people?

31 Jan 17

Today it is hard to imagine living without computers, but did you know that already in...

Ten key questions you must ask your older parents

25 Nov 16

As our parents age, yet remain in good health, it’s easy to avoid having the conversations...

Audio books combat elderly loneliness

17 Nov 16

Audio books are an increasingly popular phenomenon as people lead busier lives and enjoy catching up...

Best Gadgets to Assist the Elderly With Dementia

11 Nov 16

Dementia is a general label that includes a variety of signs and symptoms that impair mental...

Top ten tips to avoid being scammed

06 Sep 16

Scams target people of all ages, backgrounds and income levels without discriminating. Falling victim to scamming...

Should you consider installing recording equipment camera to monitor care?

21 Jul 16

Installing a hidden camera or any other recording equipment is a big step to make when...

Can technology alleviate loneliness for the over-80’s?

04 Jul 16

Today’s society is more connected than ever before. The vast majority of the population now use...

How Technology can help carers

16 Jun 16

These days, we use technology in all aspects of our lives, from internet banking to online...

Why you should register your home appliances

14 Jun 16

It’s of vital importance that your older relative should register their home appliances, in order to...


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