Search Results for: mobility aids

Walking Aids Help Elderly Avoid Falls

25 Oct 17

Falls are common in older people and the risk of falling increases with increasing age A...

How to get the best mobility aid deal

14 Mar 17

Mobility aids play a vital role in the lives of millions of elderly and disabled people....

Top tips to buy mobility vehicles safely

22 Feb 17

A mobility vehicle can improve many peoples’ lifestyle, but making the right decision when buying one...

Causes of immobility and possible solutions

27 Nov 15

The human body, regardless of age, is designed for movement, but without an active lifestyle, our...

Get the best mobility products now

24 Nov 15

From luxury recliners to orthopedic chairs, from mobility scooters to walking aids, Cavendish Furniture and Mobility...

How to buy a used mobility scooter

26 Feb 15

You can now buy a perfectly good used mobility scooter for £150 to £250 on Ebay or...

Managing hospital discharge for elderly

18 Jul 17

If your elderly relative has been in hospital, it should be good news when they are...

Top tips to make your older relative’s home safer in later life

29 Feb 16

These days many of us are thankfully living longer and fuller lives. As a result, our...

Friends of the Elderly

07 Mar 15

Friends of the Elderly (FotE) is a national charity, founded in 1905 which provides support for...

Losing weight alleviates joint pain

11 Jun 18

We have all become much more sedentary since the 1950s. Eight out of ten adults used...

How to register elderly disabled

04 Jun 18

The actual process of disability registration does vary for each local authority so first please contact...

Driving Issues for Older People

28 May 18

As people age, their driving abilities inevitably change. However, by reducing risk factors and incorporating safe...

Danger of Falls for Elderly

11 Mar 18

Why elderly people tend to fall (Watch our video with key tips on fall prevention) Falls...

What to do if unhappy with elderly parent’s care

21 Jan 18

Most people have a positive experience of the care they receive but problems sometimes occur and you may want to make a complaint. Whether the care is provided at home or in a care home, or you’ve bought a care product such as a mobility aid, it’s important to know your rights.

Top tips for healthy ageing

08 Jan 18

One of the main things to bear in mind is the vital importance to start ageing...

Personal training for older people

20 Nov 17

Why is it important for older people to exercise and use a personal trainer? Unless people do...

Parkinson’s diagnosis and treatment

12 Oct 17

How is Parkinson’s diagnosed? Diagnosis of Parkinson’s is made by a doctor, who takes a detailed...

How physiotherapy can help older people

06 Sep 17

As we age, so our ability to move freely can easily diminish.This can be caused by...

Coping with loss of elderly independence

19 Mar 17

Loss of independence occurs as people age, as they suffer physical, social or emotional setbacks which...

Tai chi helps older people enjoy life

02 Mar 17

Before I started tai chi, I had been a couch potato for many years. I had...

Dancing Into Older Age

07 Jul 16

In recent years, dancing – an enjoyable recreational activity – has been shown to improve the...

How to prevent and treat bedsores

30 Mar 16

Bedsores result from pressure over time on skin in contact with another surface, such as a...

How to choose the best beds and chairs for older people

29 Mar 16

As we age, it can be harder to move around at home, whether that means more...

7 Key Tips to Prevent Falls At Home

10 Mar 16

80% of older people say they want to live at home for as long as possible....

How to choose the right walking stick

29 Feb 16

When most people think of walking sticks, a traditional wooden crook cane springs to mind, but...

What is Restless Leg Syndrome and how can you deal with it?

25 Feb 16

Restless Leg Syndrome is a condition which, to some extent, is still widely misunderstood. Although it...

Top tips for filling out an attendance allowance form

17 Dec 15

Attendance allowance is granted to those people over 65 who require personal care assistance. The form...

Christmas gift ideas to help your older parent 

26 Nov 15

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas… so we thought it would be a good...

Get expert advice on adapting your older relative’s home to meet their needs

24 Nov 15

How can a private Housing Occupational Therapy company help your older relatives? An expert housing occupational...

Help change the future of loneliness for older people – at Christmas and all year

17 Nov 15

“Loneliness is a strange feeling – it’s sad, it’s day in, day out” – Daphne, 90...


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