Search Results for: pain management

Losing weight alleviates joint pain

11 Jun 18

We have all become much more sedentary since the 1950s. Eight out of ten adults used...

Can herbs help older people with pain and inflammation?

10 Dec 15

Herbs have been used for centuries to alleviate pain and inflammation. Some contain antioxidants and can...

5 Top Tips to Prevent Pain

12 Oct 15

  Recurring bouts of pain can have a serious impact on your life, preventing you from...

Managing pain in older people

23 Apr 15

It is thought that pain in the elderly population often goes under reported due to stoicism....

Occupational Therapy for older people

27 Jun 17

What is occupational therapy? Occupational therapists (OTs) aim to enable older people to make the most...

How to spot quality of care problems in a care home

04 Feb 16

You’ve considered all the options, visited many care homes and finally found a place that you...

Sue Ryder

07 Jan 14

Sue Ryder provides incredible care for people with life-changing illness. Whether it’s bringing comfort to someone’s...

Elderly foot and ankle

06 Aug 18

The foot is a remarkable piece of human engineering. It has the multiple functions of adapting...

What is Osteoporosis?

02 Jul 18

Our bones contain collagen (protein), calcium salts and other minerals. Each bone is made up of...

How physiotherapy can help older people

06 Sep 17

As we age, so our ability to move freely can easily diminish.This can be caused by...

How to combat insomnia in older people

07 Apr 16

Everyone sometimes has a bad night’s sleep, but for some, insomnia is a serious issue and...

Help prevent falls with the right footwear

19 Oct 15

Every year in the UK about one-third of people aged over 65 will fall. This rises...

Top tips to avoid bad posture at your desk

11 Jun 15

We spend more and more time at our desks and this can lead to serious postural...

Yoga from the comfort of your chair

18 Sep 14

When you picture people practicing yoga, do you imagine impossibly supple, young people bent into all...

Arthritis Care

16 Apr 14

Arthritis Care is our Charity of the Month for April Around 10 million people suffer with...


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