How to get a free boiler for pensioners
Who is eligible for a free boiler? If your older relative owns their own home or...
Who is eligible for a free boiler? If your older relative owns their own home or...
Planning for your retirement is one of the most important things you’ll ever do, Follow our...
Have you heard of Pensioner Bonds? No, they’re nothing do to with Roger Moore or Sean...
If your partner used to manage the budget for some or all of the household finances, taking these on after they die can feel overwhelming. Follow these steps to find out how to take control of your money.
What are the types of problems the ageing need to see their GP about? Life can get...
Caring for someone can take its toll on your physical and mental health, social life, career and relationships. Taking time out to look after yourself is important if you’re to continue supporting yourself and the person you’re caring for. Here are some of the different types of support available.
If you’ve opted to receive direct payments to pay for personal care services yourself, there are important things you should know – such as how to compare products and services and how to manage your budget effectively.
Care workers or personal assistants can help you live independently in your own home. They may be provided directly by your local council (or Health and Social Care Trust in Northern Ireland), with everything arranged for you. But if you decide to appoint one directly, using your own money or with direct payments, there’s a lot to think about.
There are a number of important reasons to ask your parent to write a will. Two...
The rise in insolvency amongst pensioners is higher now than fifty years ago Pensioners are caught...
Pension scams are on the increase in the UK. ‘One-off pension investments’, ‘pension loans’ or upfront...
What is a trust ? A Trust can be established in your parent’s lifetime, or by...
Assessment of Capital for the Elderly Most forms of capital and savings are assessable and will...
Here’s a round up of the latest developments in savings options Premium bonds – The cap...
If the money you’ve been using to pay for your long-term care is running out, what are your options? Who can you turn to for financial support, and what could happen to you if you’re in a care home? Here’s what you need to know.
If you pay some or all of your own fees in a care home where you’re receiving care from a registered nurse or doctor, you might be entitled to Registered Nursing Care Contribution towards the cost of treatment. Typically this will reduce the amount you pay in fees, so it’s worth checking.
If you need a regular income to pay for care at home or in a care home, an immediate need care fee payment plan, or immediate care annuity as they’re also known, could be the answer.
Older people can present an attractive target for scammers and fraudsters Some older people are isolated and...
If you’re over 65, own your home and need to fund your long-term care, you may...
Purchasing an Immediate Care Annuity basically means giving some amount of your or your older parent’s capital to...
The average age that people have children in the UK has gone up markedly since our...
The idea behind Tell Us Once is simple. One notification of the death for all the...
This gives a regular income once a person reaches state pension age. It is based on...
A local authority can agree that your parent staying in a care home on a temporary...
Loneliness and isolation in older people is increasingly recognised as a major aspect of life that...
The Government expects that the ‘digital by default’ agenda will save £1.7 billion to £1.8 billion...
If you’re caring for your parent, there is financial help out there for you. We uncover...
Nothing seems straightforward anymore. The older we get, the more confusing things seem to be. Technology...
Older people tell us they prefer to live independently in their own homes and communities and...
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