Book one-to-one computer lessons in your own home

Enter your postcode or town to find your nearest tutor


  • We Are Digital has the largest network of computer tutors in the UK in over 40 areas
  • All tutors are friendly, patient and very experienced and knowledgeable on PCs, Apple Macs, laptops, tablets, smartphone and smart TVs.
  • The tutors can help with any issue and are experts at training beginners up to advanced users. Our eldest user is 96!
  • All tutors are all CRB checked and covered by the relevant insurances and liabilities.
  • Lessons cost £40 an hour including VAT, course booklets and travel costs (up to 20 miles from tutor’s home)
  • Tutors are typically available Monday to Friday between 9am and 6pm. Evening and weekend lessons are subject to tutor availability
  • We can also provide a broadband purchase and switching service, so if you need a new Internet connection or want to find the best deal, just ask and we can tell you more

To take advantage of this great at home service, call now on 03333 441584. Lessons costs £40 per hour.

Or fill in the form and we will contact you.

Please use this enquiry form only for computer lessons. If you wish to contact us about any other matter, please email [email protected] 


Lines are open Monday-Friday, 9am - 5pm, but we will call you back the next day if you leave a message or after the weekend.


Disclaimer: All services are provided by Silver Training and has no responsibility or liability for the services provided by We are digital. All requests and complaints should be addressed directly to We are digital. bears no responsibility for goods and services purchased via third parties featured on this website.

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