Save Money on Technology for Elderly

One of the biggest misconceptions about state-of-the-art technology is that it is solely reserved for the young and tech-savvy

For elderly people, digital devices can appear so difficult to get to grips with, who can blame them for resisting?

When you add in expensive prices and confusing customer reviews, the whole thing can seem like more hassle than it’s worth

However, just because an item of technology is innovative does not automatically mean it requires a degree in computer science, or for that matter, a lot of savings

If you’ve got an elderly parent who’s keen to get online, there are easy and affordable, ways you can help them to learn. Here are our top three technology best brands to invest in!


  • Although Apple is seen as the ultimate in high-end luxury, there’s a reason they are one of the most-loved technology brands in the world: ultimately, they are the easiest to use
  • With its simple, clean and functional features, the iPad would be a fantastic product to start from
  • If your parent doesn’t know how to use a desktop computer, what’s the point in learning now?
  • Skipping to a tablet could be the best solution all round!
  • Of course, they are the priciest, but there are ways you can cut costs – by taking advantage of Apple discount codes, or going down the refurbished route, you could save yourself a lot of money. You can ask for refurbished iPads at the Apple store and other retailers, such as PC World


  • It can naturally be difficult for an older person to give up paperbacks, but if convenience is an important factor, a Kindle is a fantastic item to consider
  • With eBooks selling for less than a pound each, your parent will be able to invest in as much reading material as they like without having to wander around the library or bookstore
  • As well as saving space, time and money in the long run, the Kindle Fire could also encourage a bit of internet surfing


  • Even if your parent is resistant towards using a computer, a mobile phone is an item they might not have much of a choice about
  • A fantastic tool for keeping in touch with family and friends, a phone can provide a great safety-net as well as the opportunity to keep up to date with new technology
  • From Samsung to Nokia, there are many brands which might have one suitable, but for the ultimate in simple smartphones: the Doro 740 is the perfect product
  • With an easy-to-use keypad, camera and basic text message and calling features, it’s marketed as being easy enough for anyone to use

If your parents are put-off by large price tags and fancy features, try investing in one of the aforementioned products instead. Simple, useful and technologically sound, they will open up a world of possibility

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