Find the best quality elderly care

Deciding on the right care home for a loved one is a daunting and time-consuming task.With so much information at your fingertips, it can be hard to make an objective, factually based decision.

Now, searching for a care home has been simplified with the launch of a new, easy to use tool from Caring Homes, an independent UK care home provider. Information from the Care Quality Commission (CQC) is used to fuel this tool.


Three simple, interactive maps and an exploration table feature in the tool.

interactive map

Care Home Ranking Map Identify amount of care homes that have passed and failed CQC checks
Affluence Map Identify highest earning counties in England
Life Expectancy Map Identify average life expectancy across counties in England
Exploration Table Categorise the best and worst counties for care provision and label their percentage fail


The maps can be used in conjunction with the exploration table to make an informed decision, based on data collected from the CQC.

The colours used in the map indicate where on the care quality scale the county sits.

Even at a glance, it is very clear to see which counties are outperforming others.

Clicking on an area of the map will further uncover data taken from the Care Quality Commission regulatory visits.

The information is broken down into four simple areas:

  • Name of county
  • Number of care homes that passed CQC checks
  • Number of care homes that haven’t passed the CQC check
  • County rating (with 1 being the best)

Exploration table

exploration table

This Caring Homes tool also features a search bar option, where results can be emailed or shared on social media.

Simply typing in the name of the county will reveal the number of care homes that passed and failed the CQC checks and also the fail percentage figure.

Results can be accessed in seconds and ordered to your preference, for example listing counties with the lowest percentage fail score.


Affluence and Life Expectancy


Interesting results can be gained from the affluence and life expectancy maps.

For example, the mean salary in Buckinghamshire is £37,426, but life expectancy is 84.6 years for females and 81.2 years for males.

More affluent counties were also found to provide lower levels of care.

Buckinghamshire’s care quality ranks 31st in UK, with 15 per cent of care homes failing CQC standards.

Compare this with Suffolk, where the average earnings are £23,745, but those living in this county can expect to live to 80.6 (men) or 84.2 (women).

The tool is sure to be a welcome introduction for those seeking care for elderly relatives and loved ones. The tool is intuitive and easy to use, making it ideal for anyone, even those unfamiliar with using the internet.

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