Dealing with panic attacks and anxiety in older people

Mental health issues in older people are often under-diagnosed, as older patients tend to place more emphasis on their physical problems. It used to be thought that as we age we become less anxious, but we now know that anxiety is just as common in old age as it is in younger age groups.

Indeed, it’s likely that many older people with an anxiety or panic disorder have endured the condition since they were much younger, often coping with it alone.

What is anxiety?

Anxiety is described as a feeling of unease, which can range from mild (worry) to severe (fear). We all experience anxiety from time to time as a natural response to life events such as exams, job interviews, public speaking, relationship problems, bereavement, moving house etc.

Severe anxiety can be caused by particular conditions, such as:

  • Phobias – extreme fear of particular objects, animals, situations.
  • Generalised anxiety disorder (GAD) – a chronic condition.
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) – caused by distressing events.
  • Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) – where obsessive worries are calmed by compulsive rituals.

For many older people, fear of falling can result in severe anxiety.

What are panic attacks?

Around one in 10 people experience occasional panic attacks, which are usually triggered by a stressful event, rather than triggered by on-going anxiety.

Panic attacks are short-lived (5- 20 minutes), but are unpleasant and frightening experiences, involving a rush of intense psychological and physical conditions. Someone having a panic attack may experience overwhelming fear and anxiety plus symptoms, such as dizziness, shortness of breath, nausea, trembling, sweating, rapid heartbeat, chest pain, and confusion.

Although the symptoms are scary, panic attacks are not in themselves physically harmful.

What is panic disorder?

People with a panic disorder experience recurring feelings of anxiety, stress and panic on a regular basis, inducing panic attacks, often for no reason. It affects roughly two in 100 people in the UK and is more common in women. The frequency of panic attacks can be from once or twice a month to several times a week, leading to on-going feelings of worry in anticipation of the next attack.Panic disorder often begins in people aged 20 to 35 and is thought to be rare in older age groups, although elderly people can and do experience panic attacks, usually due to life changes such as the death of a spouse, health issues, and depression.

All people with panic disorder will get panic attacks on a recurring basis. Some people have attacks once or twice a month, whilst others have them several times a week. But simply having panic attacks does not necessarily mean you have panic disorder.

Dealing with panic attacks

You might use the following tips as a useful way to help your older parent if you’re concerned about their anxiety levels:

  • Try not to let the fear of a panic attack control you.
  • Remember that panic attacks always pass.
  • Remind yourself that your fears are caused by anxiety.
  • Don’t try to distract yourself – ride out the attack.
  • Confronting your fear lets you discover that nothing bad is going to happen.
  • If you’re with someone who knows you well, they can provide reassurance.
  • Seek medical help if the panic attacks become more frequent.

In addition, the charity MIND shares some practical tips on how to cope with panic attacks on their website.

This video from the NHS Choices website provides a personal story of one man’s experience of dealing with his panic attacks. The man is Colin Hammond – founder of the charity No Panic.

How you can help your older parent manage anxiety and panic?

If you’re concerned about your older parent, then the first port of call should be a chat with their GP to rule out any unknown physical cause of the anxiety. There are anti-anxiety medications which can help, but they may also suggest regular exercise, a referral for counselling, or contacting a support group (see below). Caregivers are clearly an important source of support and can help by learning about the condition, providing reassurance, and maintaining a normal routine.

Support for people dealing with panic attacks

Fortunately, there are a number of organisations and charities that provide great support for people who suffer with panic attacks. Support groups are a way for people to share common experiences and tips on how to cope.

Anxiety UK is a charity with more than 40 years’ experience in supporting those living with a diverse range of anxiety problems as well as their families and carers. Members benefit from access to a wide range of resources and support services plus access to reduced cost therapy. The Anxiety UK Infoline is 08444 775 774 and is available weekdays from 9.30am – 5.30pm.

The No Panic charity (National Organisation for Panic, Anxiety Neuroses, Information and Care) provides information and advice people with a range of anxiety issues and their carers.The No Panic Helpline is 0844 967 4848 and is open everyday from 10am to 10pm. The charity also provides a Telephone Recovery Goup and a one-to-one telephone mentoring scheme for members.

No More Panic is a volunteer-run website with a wide range of useful articles that provide information, support andadvice for those with panic disorder, anxiety, phobias and OCD. The website also offers support and an opportunity to share experiences via a chat room and forum.

Other useful myageingparent articles:

Depression in older people









  1. willaimsdaniel says:

    April 8th, 2016 at 5:55 am (#)

    I found this article very informative, a people grow old, they suffer from panic attacks. At that time we should not get impatient and hyper we should deal with the situation very calmly and patiently.

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