Top ten tips to help relatives with dementia
Asked to provide the top ten pieces of advice for people living with dementia and their...
Asked to provide the top ten pieces of advice for people living with dementia and their...
People with dementia often find it difficult to access or use new forms of technology Touchscreen...
Dementia is a condition which affects brain function. There are various types of dementia, such as...
It can be very upsetting having to witness the decline in the mental abilities of a...
Watching a parent suffer with dementia is one of the hardest things you will ever do...
Dementia is a general label that includes a variety of signs and symptoms that impair mental...
For most people, sight is their most critical sense. 50% of all the information comes in...
It’s worrying if your older relative starts to become more forgetful, so how can you judge...
Choosing the perfect gift can be a really difficult task at the best of times, but...
The fear of dementia is real. The thought of losing your memory and judgement abilities is...
When a parent is diagnosed with dementia, the effects of the illness become all consuming. The...
Dementia is probably the most difficult problem families face when caring for an older relative Most...
You may think your parent seems a little forgetful, or have difficulty remembering the right words for...
Dementia is a condition which affects brain function. There are various types of dementia, such as...
Although dementia is a relatively common disease, it is not an inevitable part of growing old....
New research by*, the specialist live-in homecare website, which provides information on live-in as an...
Dementia is a term for a set of symptoms, which can include loss of memory, mood...
What is dementia? The word ‘dementia’ is used to describe a number of different conditions that affect the...
Scientists continue in their quest to both diagnose and care for dementia sufferers. Recently, there have been two...
Keeping active and sharing the good things in life At every stage of your loved one’s...
Seeing the person and embracing your new reality Having a parent with dementia is one of...
Dementia is a word used to describe a group of symptoms These include gradual loss of...
The word dementia is used to describe a group of symptoms. Although dementia is commonly thought...
Dementia UK is committed to improving quality of life for all people affected by dementia Their...
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