Help someone with dementia with a good cup of tea

The fear of dementia is real. The thought of losing your memory and judgement abilities is a scary thought for anyone to behold. There are so many ways to get involved in the fight against these symptoms and it all rests on being compassionate and raising awareness. So how can a cup of tea help?

What has tea got to do with it?

As members of the British public, tea has a great deal to do with most aspects of our lives. There’s something about a good cup of tea which makes us reach for the kettle at the first sign of trouble. It is definitely not a far stretch to say that we have all experienced the healing powers of tea, or imposed them willingly on others.

Having dementia can be a very lonely time, and there are many who will retreat away from society, which is not a positive way of coping with dementia. So, in this case, having a cup of tea with a dementia sufferer will certainly have healing powers of its own.

Whilst we all agree that this is an enjoyable and very British way to help those with dementia in the UK, we probably don’t all agree on is what makes the perfect cup of tea?

Find out what your tea choice says about you and how it might help the fight against dementia

Answering the aged-old question of what makes the perfect cup of tea will most likely start a discussion that would see you and your friends through several cups of tea. To avoid this, you can stay on the diplomatic and more compassionate side of believing that tea comes in all different shapes and sizes, much like the people who dedicate their time to caring for those with dementia.

However, we believe the real reason as to why we can’t agree on what makes the perfect cup of tea, and that is because it is reflective of our personalities. How you take your tea can say something about you. There are usually distinct differences in the people who like their tea black, or those who like their tea very milky.

SunLife want to do their part for raising awareness of dementia in the UK, so they have created a tool that lets you know what your tea says about you. Their tool allows you to choose how you take your tea and then share your tea personality with others, to raise awareness of the fight against dementia.

This tool means you do not have to be a healthcare professional or come into contact with dementia every day to support the cause. You can simply raise awareness of dementia by sharing this tool and reaching out to others. Perhaps, you’ll find others with a similar affinity for tea and inspire one another to do what you can to support dementia sufferers.

What do we know about dementia?

Dementia is a collection of symptoms that signify the diminishing capacity of your brain operating correctly and efficiently. We know what it is, and we can fearfully fathom how scary it is to experience. However, besides that we do not know much, that’s why support and research is vital for helping these

Or perhaps you know this feeling and are suffering from Dementia yourself. If you are then you will find some relief in knowing that you are not alone.

What can we do about dementia?

There are countless doctors and scientists working tirelessly to help find a cure or way to prevent dementia, but they are not alone in their efforts. The support those suffering with dementia receive is tremendous; from their family members, friends, carers and nurses, there are many kind-hearted people dedicated to helping dementia sufferers get through the challenges of each day.

Why is raising awareness of dementia so important?

Dementia is something which can leave people frightened and feeling alone, without much hope for a positive life. Raising awareness of the true nature of dementia is vital to supporting those who do suffer with the symptoms. You can read more about the types of dementia and the symptoms HERE

Understanding the ways in which you can manage or try to prevent dementia; including through the food we eat and the diet we keep.

Understanding how to care for those with the disease also comes with increased awareness and understanding. Knowing that these people need care can lead to further support from those who want to do their part.  There are so many reasons as to why awareness is important and the ones we have listed are just the tip of the iceberg.

You can raise awareness of dementia in the UK by sharing SunLife’s cup of tea tool and sharing your results and information about dementia in the UK with friends and family.








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