How to alleviate carer stress

Being a carer is tough and sometimes you really need to take a break, even if it’s only for a few minutes.

Here are our top tips for alleviating your stress:iStock_000020126825XSmall

Pick up the phone to a friend and have a quick chat about how they are, what they’ve been up to or to offload how you are feeling. We all need to talk

Surf the internet and look at YouTube or some funny cartoons. It’s good to laugh at something or just divert your mind to something else momentarily

Watch a funny TV show or listen to a comedy tape. It’s so therapeutic to laugh and often as a carer, there is not much opportunity, so entertain yourself occasionally.

Listen to music. Music can be soothing, energising and is generally uplifting. You can have it on in the background and turn it up when you find something you love to listen to. Have a little dance!

Try to have a little nap. You might think that shutting your eyes for fifteen minutes will make you feel worse, but it can really help you get through the day. If you can get a bit of quiet time, shut your eyes. You’ll be surprised how refreshed you feel afterwards and how much easier it can be to get through the rest of the day.

Try to exercise. Even if it’s very difficult to leave the house, you can put on an exercise DVD and do a small work out. You will feel much better and far more energised. Being house bound for long stretches caring for someone can be exhausting, but exercise can really help.

Invite a friend for a cup of tea. If it’s difficult for you to leave the house, encourage others to pop in to see you and have tea and cake. You deserve the company and the cake!


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