Search Results for: care at home

Age UK

02 Sep 14

Age UK is a charity dedicated to helping everyone make the most of later life. The...

Why you should love later life

19 Aug 14

Last year, Lord Filkin chaired a Select Committee in the House of Lords, and produced a...

Elderly at risk from scams

16 Aug 14

Older people can present an attractive target for scammers and fraudsters Some older people are isolated and...

Caring from a distance for elderly: personal account

12 Aug 14

We happily go about our everyday lives thinking of ourselves as invulnerable. That is until something...

Positive dementia action plan: Part 2

03 Aug 14

Keeping active and sharing the good things in life At every stage of your loved one’s...

Positive dementia action plan: Part 1

27 Jul 14

Seeing the person and embracing your new reality  Having a parent with dementia is one of...

Coping with cancer: a true story

19 Jul 14

In the summer of 2010, I was bluntly told: ‘You have cancer,’ and these would be...

Top ten tips for better health for older people

08 Jul 14

How can we stay fit and well as we age? Drink and drink some more: It’s critical...

Bowel Cancer Research Charity

01 Jul 14

We’re just beginning to understand how important our guts are to our overall wellbeing as individuals....

Juggling older parents and teenagers

28 Jun 14

The average age that people have children in the UK has gone up markedly since our...

How to arrange a funeral

21 Jun 14

Firstly, you will need to contact a funeral firm  The Funeral Director at the firm will...

Top tips for grandparents looking after grandchildren

17 Jun 14

Looking  after the grandchildren isn’t always easy Keep advice to a minimum Having had children yourself, you...

Tell Us Once Service helps bereaved

12 Jun 14

The idea behind Tell Us Once is simple. One notification of the death for all the...

What are Personal Independence Payments (PIP)?

10 Jun 14

Personal Independence Payment (PIP) is a benefit that helps towards some of the extra costs you...

What can your older parent can do about Inheritance Tax

06 Jun 14

Are there legitimate things your Parents can do to avoid Inheritance Tax? Former Chancellor of the...

The Silver Line

03 Jun 14

It’s true to say that if you make something simple enough for everyone to use, then...

Letter templates help elderly write to institutions

30 May 14

Insurance Letter to cancel an insurance policy (DOC)Letter to reclaim mis-sold PPI (DOC)Letter of complaint about an insurance company's service (DOC)Letter of complaint, arguing against an insurance company's rejection of a claim (DOC)Cancelling contract agreements Letter for cancelling contract agreements (DOC)Complaining to your bank or building society Letter of complaint to your bank or building society (DOC)  Setting up a standing order Letter to set up a standing order (DOC)Tracing pensions Letter tracking pensions (to employer) (DOC)Letter tracking pensions (to provider) (DOC)Maternity leave Letter for maternity leave to an employer (DOC)Local authority and community care Letter for community care assessment (DOC)Letter of complaint to local authority (DOC)Letter of appeal for community care (DOC)Notification of a death Death notification letter to a bank or building society (DOC)Death notification letter to mortgage provider (DOC)Death notification letter to pension provider (DOC)

What is Sheltered Housing?

10 May 14

Sheltered housing is popular, because it still provides the older person with some independence, yet with...

What is Dementia?

14 Apr 14

The word dementia is used to describe a group of symptoms. Although dementia is commonly thought...

What is Equity Release all about?

20 Mar 14

Over £1bn was taken from Equity Release schemes in 2013 alone by the over 55’s in...

Marie Curie Charity

04 Mar 14

Marie Curie is the leading charity providing care to people with any terminal illness in their...

The Abbeyfield Society

04 Feb 14

The Abbeyfield Society is a charity that provides housing, support and care for people at different...

Knowing elderly are OK from a distance

28 Jan 14

Mum falling, dad becoming ill, gran having a fire, are all events that suddenly make us...

Help elderly to keep in touch using technology

13 Jan 14

Many of us worry about older relatives and ageing parents, especially if we live far from them...

Dementia UK & Admiral Nurses

08 Jan 14

Dementia UK is committed to improving quality of life for all people affected by dementia Their...

Sue Ryder

07 Jan 14

Sue Ryder provides incredible care for people with life-changing illness. Whether it’s bringing comfort to someone’s...

Cancer in Older People

15 Dec 13

What is cancer? Cancer is a disease caused by normal cells changing, so that they grow...

Offline older people miss out on services access

12 Dec 13

The Government expects that the  ‘digital by default’ agenda will save £1.7 billion to £1.8 billion...

Reduce elderly heating bills with community oil

28 Nov 13

While fuel poverty in this country is now reaching alarming proportions, what is often forgotten is...

Cardiac arrest in elderly

10 Nov 13

What is a Cardiac Arrest A cardiac arrest happens when your heart stops pumping blood around...


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