Elderly communication problems and solutions
Ageing is a normal process and generally speaking the changes taking place are gradual, allowing the...
Ageing is a normal process and generally speaking the changes taking place are gradual, allowing the...
It is widely acknowledged that moving house is among the most stressful experiences in life In...
Dimbleby Cancer Care was set up in 1966 in memory of broadcaster Richard Dimbleby and is based...
It is estimated that over 500,000 older people are abused in the UK every year. Elder...
Where your parent lives is important for their health and wellbeing. Many, indeed most, older people aim...
When it comes to caring for an elderly parent, we all want to ensure they are...
As we grow older, we start to witness the unfortunate and often distressing decline of our...
Roundabout’s motto is “Turning Lives Around” and we do, running dramatherapy projects with people of all...
Although dementia is a relatively common disease, it is not an inevitable part of growing old....
Many environmental endeavours to ‘go green’ are aimed at families and younger individuals, but in a...
New research by www.stayinmyhome.co.uk*, the specialist live-in homecare website, which provides information on live-in as an...
If you’re wondering how you can get help with your care home fees, this helpful guide...
We spoke to Matt Barbet at Channel 5 about the inadequacies of short home care visits...
Care fees and funding is a very complex and confusing area. You and your parent may...
It’s difficult to persuade older people to have care at home There is a fine line...
Mobile phones can be a very useful line of communication for older people and their children,...
When our parents need long-term care, whether care is delivered in their own home or a...
Planning for your retirement is one of the most important things you’ll ever do, Follow our...
The arts can act as a preventative measure for many of the illnesses that go hand...
Create develops and delivers high quality creative arts programmes that provide life changing experiences to seven...
What is a personal budget? Personalisation, also known as Self-Directed Support, is a way of working...
It’s an emotional and upsetting decision facing a growing number of elderly people who are no...
myageingparent.com spoke to Sky news about care home closures, why they are sometimes necessary and how...
Many older people do not know how to take medicines safely and can often get confused....
When a neighbour called to say that mum had been found buttering her bread with a...
Tackling loneliness and promoting positive lifestyles LinkAge is a Bristol charity that works with older people...
Being a carer is tough and sometimes you really need to take a break, even if...
A new report, backed by Esther Rantzen and the Patients Association, has identified the care choice...
This directory is provided for information purposes only. Inclusion in the directory does not endorse, recommend or imply any approval of the providers listed on this site. Every effort has been made to ensure that the contents of this directory are accurate, despite this myageingparent.com cannot, and does not, assume liability for any errors or omissions. The content of this website and directory are provided for information purposes only and does not represent legal or any other professional advice.
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Fannypants® is an award winning brand for incontinence underwear. It comes with removable, washable and reusable…
Look after yourself or a loved one with vitamin supplements for men & women of all life…