Search Results for: email

Dementia and Hearing loss in Elderly

14 Apr 15

Dementia is a condition which affects brain function. There are various types of dementia, such as...

Holiday options for older people

09 Apr 15

Everyone needs a break from the usual routine and that includes your retired older parents too....

Creating retirement housing

08 Apr 15

The country faces a major housing crisis, with not enough new homes being built for our...

Optimum foods for elderly

06 Apr 15

Here are our top tips on the optimum foods for the elderly to eat to stay...

Elderly communication problems and solutions

04 Apr 15

Ageing is a normal process and generally speaking the changes taking place are gradual, allowing the...

Guide to downsizing for elderly

02 Apr 15

It is widely acknowledged that moving house is among the most stressful experiences in life In...

How to spot and challenge elder abuse

31 Mar 15

It is estimated that over 500,000 older people are abused in the UK every year. Elder...

Top foods to alleviate pain of arthritis

26 Mar 15

Arthritis, both rheumatoid and osteo, is an extremely painful disease, which causes joints to swell and...

Practical steps to consider for funding elderly care

25 Mar 15

Trying to make sensible decisions about how to fund care is very difficult, especially when you...

Buying right shoes prevents elderly falls

19 Mar 15

Falls in older people are frequent and can lead to serious fractures, joint replacements and other...

Guide to elderly housing options

14 Mar 15

Where your parent lives is important for their health and wellbeing. Many, indeed most, older people aim...

Help elderly protect passwords on-line

12 Mar 15

Passwords on computers are a nightmare for all of us. We need them for shopping, banking,...

GP’s advice on managing tablets for elderly

11 Mar 15

First of all, remember to take the tablets 70% of all admissions are due to long...

The Joy of Caring for Others

05 Mar 15

As we grow older, we start to witness the unfortunate and often distressing decline of our...

Roundabout: March Charity

03 Mar 15

Roundabout’s motto is “Turning Lives Around” and we do, running dramatherapy projects with people of all...

Do alarm pendants really work?

24 Feb 15

Alarm pendants are small button alarms that are worn around the neck, or on the wrist, and...

Top tips to complain about elderly care

21 Feb 15

Making a complaint to any organisation can be difficult, time consuming and stressful, so these tips...

Diagnosing and treating dementia

19 Feb 15

Although dementia is a relatively common disease, it is not an inevitable part of growing old....

Issues facing family carers of elderly

Caring for ageing parents can put a huge strain on families, particularly those people who may...

Arthritis in the elderly

18 Feb 15

What is Arthritis? The term arthritis literally means “joint inflammation,” but it is generally used to...

How to get help paying for care home fees

05 Feb 15

If you’re wondering how you can get help with your care home fees, this helpful guide...

Volunteering benefits elderly and society

24 Jan 15

Why older people should volunteer Research has shown that for older adults, volunteering can be an...

8 tips for retiring abroad

22 Jan 15

For many, retiring to settle down in a place with warmer weather, different scenery and a change...

60+ divorce causes financial ruin

21 Jan 15

The number of people who are getting divorced during their retirement years is on the increase....

Mobile apps help monitor older people

20 Jan 15

It’s difficult to persuade older people to have care at home There is a fine line...

The best mobile phones for older people

Mobile phones can be a very useful line of communication for older people and their children,...

Older People Must Keep Vital Documents Safe

19 Jan 15

Keeping the ‘important stuff’ safe Vital documents such as birth and marriage certificates, wills, lasting power...

How to get a free boiler for pensioners

16 Jan 15

Who is eligible for a free boiler? If your older relative owns their own home or...

Homeshare: companionship for elderly at home

14 Jan 15

What is homesharing? Homeshare schemes provide low-cost practical live-in help, companionship and support to elderly people...

Key Facts about the New State Pension

08 Jan 15

The new state pension is changing on 6 April 2016. How will state pension affect older people? They’ll remain...


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