Search Results for: stroke

How nutritional needs change with age

11 Aug 15

Changing nutritional needs: what’s the best diet to follow? As we age, our ability to digest,...

How to improve your memory

06 Aug 15

Experts on ageing often point out that learning new skills is likely to improve cognitive functioning,...

Facial workouts: How to benefit from pulling faces

15 Jul 15

Did you know there are 43 individual muscles in the face? These muscles are necessary for...

Top tips for healthy blood pressure

18 Jun 15

Controlling your blood pressure is important, as it indicates how much pressure the blood is putting...

Best food and drink to help you sleep

16 Jun 15

If you are having trouble sleeping, it could be a result of your diet. We recommend...

Ten essential check ups you must have to stay well

26 May 15

If you take the time to undergo some basic routine health check ups regularly, it’s so...

Benefits of pets for older people

20 May 15

Pets may help older people live longer, healthier, and more enjoyable lives. You’ve probably noticed that when...

Power of Attorney in Scotland

16 May 15

Even your spouse or best friend can’t help you legally without Power of Attorney in Scotland...

Housing for older people with long term conditions

09 May 15

Care & Repair England has produced a series of guides for people with long- term conditions...

Managing pain in older people

23 Apr 15

It is thought that pain in the elderly population often goes under reported due to stoicism....

Elderly communication problems and solutions

04 Apr 15

Ageing is a normal process and generally speaking the changes taking place are gradual, allowing the...

Guide to elderly housing options

14 Mar 15

Where your parent lives is important for their health and wellbeing. Many, indeed most, older people aim...

What is live-in homecare?

10 Mar 15

When it comes to caring for an elderly parent, we all want to ensure they are...

Diagnosing and treating dementia

19 Feb 15

Although dementia is a relatively common disease, it is not an inevitable part of growing old....

Dementia Overtakes Cancer as UK’s Most Feared Illness

10 Feb 15

New research by*, the specialist live-in homecare website, which provides information on live-in as an...

Type 1 diabetes complications for elderly

10 Jan 15

Type 1 diabetes and its complications Type 1 diabetes is caused when the immune system attacks...

Depression in older people

30 Dec 14

Many issues can cause depression as people age, such as retirement, the death of friends and...

Combat elderly isolation this Christmas

15 Dec 14

Loneliness and social isolation is a reality for many older people all year round, but it...

Treating High Blood pressure in older people

14 Dec 14

Know your blood pressure High blood pressure is just one of the risk factors for older people in developing...

Macular degeneration in elderly eyes

11 Dec 14

Optometrists provide eye examination and they undertake screening for any eyes or general health conditions. They...

Changing habits to improve memory

22 Oct 14

According to a new book Use your brain to change your age by Dr Daniel G....

Best websites to help elderly get on-line

17 Sep 14

Our ageing parents are more wary of using computers and the internet, often because they have...

Prevent Cardiovascular Disease Starting Now

The World Health Organization has stated that the UK has one of the highest rates of...

How to deal with elderly dementia

15 Sep 14

What is dementia? The word ‘dementia’ is used to describe a number of different conditions that affect the...

Age UK

02 Sep 14

Age UK is a charity dedicated to helping everyone make the most of later life. The...

Benefits of Home Automation for Older People

29 Jul 14

In today’s technologically driven world, there are many emerging technologies, which enable older people to live...

Top ten tips for better health for older people

08 Jul 14

How can we stay fit and well as we age? Drink and drink some more: It’s critical...

Digital inclusion for older people

13 May 14

Giving older people access to technology can improve the quality of their lives significantly by encouraging...

What is Dementia?

14 Apr 14

The word dementia is used to describe a group of symptoms. Although dementia is commonly thought...

Cardiac arrest in elderly

10 Nov 13

What is a Cardiac Arrest A cardiac arrest happens when your heart stops pumping blood around...


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Fannypants® is an award winning brand for incontinence underwear. It comes with removable, washable and reusable…

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Activity Superstore

Activity Superstore: From fast cars to flash spas – live the dream!!! With over 600 gift…

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Traditional British brand Windsmoor has a heritage in quality outerwear as well as modem classic separates…

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