Technology, is it worth IT?

A computer? Why do I need a computer? I’m in my 80’s. I wouldn’t know where to start!

Is this something that you yourself feel about technology, or indeed, do you have a relative who is caught in this conundrum?

In our opinion, it is never too late to learn how to use a computer or tablet.

Most of the UK now has super-fast broadband, which makes booking holidays, shopping for groceries, streaming online films, or speaking to the family on Skype a doddle.

Yet a new report which came out on 14th April 2015 from the government will show that 7 million people in the UK remain offline, or without the basic skills to enjoy the Internet.

How computer tuition can help

New technology is often thought of as the plaything of the young, with the older generation wary of innovations like smart phones, tablets, and social media. As with everything in life, some simple guidance – tuition if you will – can open up the wonders of technology for even the most basic of beginners, even for someone who has never even switched on a computer.

As we often say to our clients – learning how to use a computer or the Internet is like learning how to ride a bike. At first, you need stabilisers, but given time and encouragement, you will soon be on your way down the road.

Here are some people we’ve managed to help to learn to use computers and what it’s meant to them

Recently we helped a lady who was trying to compile a book comprising photos from the nursing days of her co-workers at a hospital, which was to be a gift for one of the former nurses.  Colleagues of that generation sent this lady photos and texts and one of our tutors helped her to download the photos, arrange them properly and format it ready to be published.

Another lady very much enjoyed playing Scrabble at home, but was advised that there was an online version. She now has many online friends all over the world, which has broadened her social circle, as well as her love of the game.

Also, as jobs and industry changes, family members may have to relocate and so use technology programmes such as Skype to stay in touch with their older relatives, as it is free and a lot quicker than writing letters and cheaper than phone calls, plus you can see the person that you are talking to.

Some people may simply just want to be able to turn on a pc and type poems and life stories just to keep their minds active.

At the end of the day, it is up to you what you would like to learn and why you would like to learn it……and remember that you set learning at your own pace.

You cannot teach a child to run before it can walk. However, once they are on their feet, the paths and opportunities may be endless and the freedom will be such a wonderful feeling.

To take advantage of this great at home service, call now on 03333 441584

Or complete the form below and we will contact you.

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 Home computer lessons Broadband services Home computer lessons and broadband services

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