Top tips to maintain confidence as you age

It can be easy to lose confidence as you age. You may think your body is not as shapely, your face has a few more lines, your hair is greyer. There isn’t anyone who doesn’t look in the mirror sometimes and think that they look terrible….even supermodels!

Ageing can really affect your confidence

No matter how you feel, or how fit and how healthy you are, aging will happen. So much of our self-confidence is wrapped up in how we look and what we think others think of our appearance (rightly or wrongly!) So we try one or all of creams, exercise, Botox, fillers and even surgery in an effort to beat the ageing process.

Media and social media does not help. We are bombarded every day with multitudinous images of gorgeous men and women in perfect physical shape at all stages of life…never stopping to consider that they look better than us mere mortals because we do not wake up and go through our day with all possible flaws airbrushed out.

Part of the battle, however, is accepting that we all get older and that we can boost our confidence and self-esteem by accepting this.

Focus on the benefits of getting older

Many of us feel the same in our middle to older age as we did in our 20s and we should recognise that no longer being in our 20s has some benefits. We are wiser, more experienced and better able to cope with life’s ups and downs. You can also focus on what really matters and recognise what doesn’t. This should actually give you more control over your life and greater levels of self-confidence and self-esteem.

So how can you look and feel your best?

  1. Compliment yourself on something every day. Everyone has something they like about themselves, either in how they look or what they are doing. Give yourself a pat on the back.

  2. Compliment others. Look at the good points of friends and family and compliment them. Everyone responds well to praise and it will make you feel better about yourself too

  3. Don’t be afraid to try new looks. If you feel stuck in a rut or a little dowdy, try a new hairstyle or colour or buy an item of clothing or an accessory which has some colour and makes you feel a little ‘glam’. A new scarf or costume jewellery can work wonders!

  4. Learn to love yourself. Instead of looking in the mirror and concentrating on lines or sagging, look at your good points. Your lovely eyes, great smile etc.

  5. Keep smiling and laughing. Don’t stop smiling or laughing. Laughter lines show how much you have enjoyed and continue to enjoy life. They tell your story

  6. Exercise and keep mobile. Keep fit really boots your confidence. Move it or lose it!

  7. Get out and about. Visit new places, take up a new hobby and keep your mind active. It boosts confidence and makes you a more interesting person

  8. Stay social. Keep in touch with friends and family in person and online via Skype and email. Loneliness and isolation are debilitating and ageing

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