Search Results for: email

Helping Elderly Adjust to Nursing Home

25 Sep 14

Moving an ageing parent or loved one into a nursing home is never going to be...

Top tips to help older people to eat

23 Sep 14

Dental pain, an upset stomach, or a dry mouth can make eating difficult for older people...

Best websites to help elderly get on-line

17 Sep 14

Our ageing parents are more wary of using computers and the internet, often because they have...

How to deal with elderly dementia

15 Sep 14

What is dementia? The word ‘dementia’ is used to describe a number of different conditions that affect the...

Internet security for the elderly

11 Sep 14

Internet security is one of the great invisible challenges of our age. National spy agencies and...

Reducing Online Risks for Elderly

09 Sep 14

Recent statistics from Ofcom show that the number of people aged 65 and over accessing the...

Top superfoods for older people

05 Sep 14

Here are our recommended top superfoods to keep older people fit and healthy Protein The body...

Benefits of chat rooms for older people

04 Sep 14

A chat room allows you to speak with other people via your computer or laptop and...

Elderly at risk from scams

16 Aug 14

Older people can present an attractive target for scammers and fraudsters Some older people are isolated and...

National Osteoporosis Society

10 Aug 14

The National Osteoporosis Society is the only UK wide charity dedicated to improving the diagnosis, prevention...

Helping older people stay safe on-line

07 Aug 14

Getting on-line can help older people to communicate, shop, manage their finances and learn new things. It can be...

Tax Help for Older People

05 Aug 14

The ‘Tax Help for Older People’ service is run by the charity ‘Tax Volunteers’ to provide...

Linking excessive alcohol with elderly memory loss

01 Aug 14

Binge drinking is something we might normally associate with the young, but it is becoming an increasing problem amongst the elderly Binge-drinking could...

Benefits of Home Automation for Older People

29 Jul 14

In today’s technologically driven world, there are many emerging technologies, which enable older people to live...

Grandparents are key source of childcare

25 Jul 14

Grandparents are now the most common source of informal childcare in the UK, with nearly two...

Sharing elderly care with siblings

10 Jul 14

Family cohesiveness can often be difficult to achieve, but as parents grow more dependent,  often siblings...

iPads help older people get more out of life

08 Jul 14

Using the iPad to keep in touch Email friends and family Research topics and information Keep...

Top ten tips for better health for older people

How can we stay fit and well as we age? Drink and drink some more: It’s critical...

Telecare: keeping older people happy at home

26 Jun 14

What is Telecare? For lots of people the term ‘Telecare’ is totally foreign and something that...

Alzheimer’s and Dementia in Elderly

12 Jun 14

Dementia is a word used to describe a group of symptoms These include gradual loss of...

Digital inclusion for older people

13 May 14

Giving older people access to technology can improve the quality of their lives significantly by encouraging...

What is Sheltered Housing?

10 May 14

Sheltered housing is popular, because it still provides the older person with some independence, yet with...

Hand and nail care for older people

29 Apr 14

Treating your ageing parent to a manicure or pedicure can genuinely boost their well-being, as hands...

Arthritis Care

16 Apr 14

Arthritis Care is our Charity of the Month for April Around 10 million people suffer with...

Family History Research for Older People

15 Mar 14

Why encourage your older parent to investigate their family history? Having a project on the go is...

Nintendo Wii keeps older people fit

25 Feb 14

Nintendo Wii was originally developed for the usual gaming market, i.e. children, teenagers and young adults,...

Knowing elderly are OK from a distance

28 Jan 14

Mum falling, dad becoming ill, gran having a fire, are all events that suddenly make us...

Help elderly to keep in touch using technology

13 Jan 14

Many of us worry about older relatives and ageing parents, especially if we live far from them...

Dementia UK & Admiral Nurses

08 Jan 14

Dementia UK is committed to improving quality of life for all people affected by dementia Their...

Offline older people miss out on services access

12 Dec 13

The Government expects that the  ‘digital by default’ agenda will save £1.7 billion to £1.8 billion...


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Fannypants® is an award winning brand for incontinence underwear. It comes with removable, washable and reusable…

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Cosyfeet offer extra roomy, deep and wide footwear for swollen, painful or wide feet. Buy online.

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Linkword Languages

A scientifically proven method to learn a language at 3X the speed. Money back guarantee. Quote…

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